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To był bardzo zły pomysł. Źródło.

ukryta treść
On August 27, 2023, around 11:12 a.m., Devonshire Division uniformed patrol officers were in the 18000 block of Malden Street, when they observed an individual, later identified as 24-year-old Angel Ledesma, whom they believed to be loitering near the front door of an apartment complex. The officers exited their vehicle and began asking Ledesma where he lived. Moments later, Ledesma began running toward the officers while holding a knife in his hand, with the blade pointed toward them. The officers immediately ordered Ledesma to drop the knife; however, Ledesma did not comply. Ledesma continued running towards the officers while still holding the knife and an OIS occurred. Ledesma was struck by gunfire, fell to the pavement, and was taken into custody without further incident. The officers at scene immediately rendered aid to Ledesma until the Los Angeles Fire Department paramedics arrived. Shortly after, Ledesma was pronounced deceased at scene. A folding knife with an approximate 2 ¾ inch blade, fixed in the open position, was recovered from the scene and booked as evidence. No officers nor other citizens were injured during this incident.

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Według źródła motywem nie była zazdrość, info w spojlerze.

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There was a dispute with an engineer at a certain construction site because a 5,000 square meter retaining wall was built on the site. It was not in the contract, it was not in the plans and there was no information.
Najlepszy komentarz (24 piw)
a................a • 2023-09-25, 15:40
Trzeba mieć nierówno pod deklem , żeby z takiego powodu( spoiler) mordować ludzi.
Z nożem na gliniarza
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-19, 17:23
To się nie mogło inaczej skończyć.

ukryta treść
On Christmas eve 2021, police responded to reports of a domestic stabbing at 203 Mers Way in Dolgeville, Herkimer County. The caller, Dobson's mother, lived with her brother and his wife in a house at the end of a long private road, with Dobson residing several hundred yards from the house. After the assault, Dobson fled to his camping trailer.

When police arrived, they said he refused to come outside to talk and then made suicidal and other statements "including that he wanted to kill himself, and that he was having out of body experiences."

Officers who had gone to the house confirmed to officers at the trailer that Dobson's mother had been injured by him.

At one point, while officers at the trailer were trying to coax Dobson out, he asked them to give him a generator, on the ground outside the trailer, so he could “blow himself up.” According to court documents, police placed the generator outside the trailer door and told Dobson it was there. When he opened the trailer door an officer deployed his Taser, but it had no effect. The officer deployed his Taser again, still without effect, causing Dobson to charge out of the trailer wielding a sword and a knife. As he ran at the officer who had tased him, the trooper fired his gun, hitting Dobson twice, killing him.
Według źródła napastnik zmarł w szpitalu. Źródło.

ukryta treść
RENO, Nev. A suspect is dead after he was shot and killed by police in Reno early Labor Day morning. Officers with the Reno Police Department responded to the 2600 block of Yori Ave. just after midnight on the report of a stabbing. When police arrived on scene, they found the armed suspect and ultimately ended up shooting him. Authorities did not release any details about what led up to the shooting. Authorities said the man was rushed to the hospital where he later died. No officers were hurt during the incident.
To zdecydowanie nie był dobry pomysł. Źródło.

ukryta treść
deputy who shot a suspect after receiving a call for a disturbance in Mariposa County.

Deputies say on Saturday morning, shortly after 2 a.m., they received a call regarding a stabbing at a home located on Terrace View Lane.

According to deputies, 23-year-old Robert Logan, a transient recently staying in the home, had an altercation with one of the residents. During the altercation, Logan used a knife to stab the victim, causing puncture wounds and lacerations to his head and neck area.

Sheriff’s officials say after stabbing the victim, Logan fled the scene in an unknown direction. Residents identified the suspect and gave a description of what he was wearing.

Around 3 a.m., deputies stated they received information that Logan may be near the Mariposa County Health and Human Services Agency Offices. Upon arrival, Deputy Slenders contacted Logan, who was shirtless and still holding a knife in his left hand.

Sheriff’s officials say Logan immediately began to advance towards Deputy Slenders, swinging the knife and yelling. The deputy instructed Logan to “get on the ground,” “let me see your hands,” and “drop the knife.” Deputy Slenders fired one single shot in the chest area of Logan.

Deputies say that following the shooting, medical aid was provided for the suspect and they began lifesaving measures. Additional first responders arrived within minutes, including CAL FIRE and Mercy Ambulance.
Nie żałowali nabojów
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-10, 2:15
Wjebali w niego sporo ołowiu. Link do całości.

ukryta treść
Roosevelt Island, New York — On August 5, 2023, At approximately 1130 PM, NYPD officers responded to multiple 911 calls at 540 Main St. regarding a 21-year-old man who was reportedly threatening a family member with a knife. The caller was a relative inside the location who also stated, the armed man was off his medication and under the influence of marijuana. Three officers entered one of the elevators and were preparing to ride it to the man’s floor, while two others were trying to prop open the lobby door with fliers in anticipation of backup.

All of a sudden, the suspect emerged from the second elevator not occupied by officers and moved quickly towards an officer, swinging the knife directly at this officer. That officer retreated outside of the lobby and then the suspect charged towards the elevator occupied by three officers. One officer fired at the man with a Taser, and two officers pulled out their service weapons and shot the man multiple times at close range. The video shows the man on his back just outside the elevator as his right arm went limp. After the shooting, the officers tried to save the man’s life. The man was taken to a local hospital, where he was pronounced deceased. None of the officers or civilians in the area were injured during this incident.
Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
NickFejkkk • 2023-09-10, 6:24
Popełnił samobójstwo
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