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Brytyjska policja.
KruK78 • 2018-04-13, 15:01

Time: Recorded on October 2nd, 2017
Place: Gwent, Walia, UK

Akcja od 3:20, niemniej na uwagę zasługuje właśnie cały "wstępniak" poprzedzający akcję.

-Hi mate, you're OK?
-Keep nice and calm, OK?
-I'm oficer with a taser.
-Yeah, I'm filming and audio recording.
-What's that, sorry?
-I don't want you to harm yoursefl or anybody else.
-Is there anything I reasonable say or do, OK? to help me and help you to put the knives down?
-I'm happy to come in and talk with you.
-What's your name? -What's your name, mate?- Paul? -OK, my name is Rhydian. OK?
-Paul, is there anything I reasonable say or do to help you to put those knives down?
-I'm not gona be able to do that. I'm affraid mate, because, thay will have to stay for our protection.
-The last thing I wanna do to have to use anything. But if you continiue to hold those knives the way you are...
We may be forced to use those tasers.
[transkrypcja ze słuchu]

Tyle cierpliwości!
Szacunek dla Walijskich Panów mundurowych.
Na koniec jeszcze uspokaja zawodnika i kulturalnie tłumaczy mu co się właśnie stało.

W hameryce niechybnie pacjent zaleczyłby 15 kulek z Gloca od każdego z policjantów, a co gorliwsi jeszcze by przeładowali.


When the officers arrived, they identified the suspect as being in possession of two large kitchen knives and threatening harm upon himself and the officers. They are able to quarantine him into a small entryway.

The officers try to talk to belligerent suspect down, but he doesn’t cooperate and soon decide to use a taser to obtain compliance. When they open the door, the man charges. He is squarely stuck with the taser, but its effects are minimal.

The armed man begins wildly thrusting the deadly blades at the closest officer, who attempts to control the suspect while trying not to get stabbed. Between the jolts of electricity and the physical capabilities of the hands-on officer, the suspect is brought to the ground.

Just then, another officer jumps in to assist, and soon the man is cuffed and no longer a threat.

Wiewór 2018-04-17, 7:48
Taką profesjonalną policję ogląda się z przyjemnością.
W Polsce pociął by 5 policjantów. Jakby go wypieścili tazerem to prokurator by im postawi zarzut próby zabójstwa.