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Daytona Beach, Florida — On April 8, 2023, around 2:10 a.m., Daytona Beach Police Department received a burglary report from a local car dealership. The caller said that a man armed with a tennis racket had been burglarizing a vehicle, prompting officers to respond to the scene. A K-9 officer arrived and began searching for the suspect, later identified as 57-year-old Richard O'Donnell, eventually discovering him nearby with the tennis racket still in hand. According to the DBPD, the K-9 officer identified as Officer Joshua Martin, gave O'Donnell multiple commands to get on the ground and cooperate. Ignoring these orders and showing heightened aggression, the police K-9, Vezer, was released to assist in apprehending him.

O'Donnell used the racket against Vezer while also kicking him, and then made attempts to choke the K-9 by wrapping both his legs and arms around the dog's neck. As the K-9 attacks O'Donnell, the cop grabs the racket and begins to beat O'Donnell's head with it, striking him numerous times. Officers also used a Taser on O'Donnell, according to reports. Eventually, officers were able to apprehend O'Donnell and secure the K-9. O'Donnell was taken to the hospital after the arrest to be treated for his injuries. O'Donnell, was charged with burglary of a conveyance, battery on a law enforcement officer, and resisting an officer with violence. He was released after posting $12,000 bail on June 21.
dantee 2023-08-29, 18:30
John-Flopp napisał/a:

Pies podczas akcji jest brany prawnie pod uwagę jako funkcjonariusz tak że niech się cieszy że go nie odjebali na miejscu.

nie odjebali bo był biały. Czarny już by leżał cięższy o 2 kg ołowiu (i dobrze)
neo001 2023-08-29, 23:37
majeńka napisał/a:

Tym razem to według mnie wina po stronie policji. Zamiast spacyfikować gościa, lub nawet odstrzelić, dają pchlarzowi zeżreć mu twarz i klejnoty. Człowiek się w pełni naturalnie broni, i zgodnie z instyktem nawet nie jest w stanie przestać.

Kogo interesuje opinia lewaka? Pies nie pchlarz przede wszystkim. Gdyby śmieć nie uciekał, to psa policyjnego dusić by nie musiał.
Poleca również zwrócić uwagę, że po odciągnięciu pupila dalej stawia opór podczas zatrzymania.

No ale to nie Polak, więc nie wolno tak traktować cywila!