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Dziura w ziemi
jankol • 2014-07-28, 0:08
Dziwny, ogromny otwór w ziemi.

The size of this hole is so huge that people may come down into it on several Mi-8 helicopters, as they say. The place is situated not far from the largest Yamal gas reserve, a powerful underground stream is heard from the bottom. What you can see around the hole is a forest, the soil around the hole was thrown out. No explosive works had been carried out in the area, so it’s hard to explain why the hole appeared there.
The size of this hole is so huge that people may come down into it on several Mi-8 helicopters, as they say. The place is situated not far from the largest Yamal gas reserve, a powerful underground stream is heard from the bottom. What you can see around the hole is a forest, the soil around the hole was thrown out. No explosive works had been carried out in the area, so it’s hard to explain why the hole appeared there.

czachpolice 2014-07-28, 23:05
Kurwa kiedy to było, wyreguluj zapłon ;x
mateusos 2014-07-28, 23:13
Gdzieś na orbicie musi być zajebisty laser. Ktoś się bawił na zadupiu.
A tu jeb znaleźli grzybiarze.
xumus 2014-07-28, 23:18
pewnie kręcą kolejną część podróż do wnętrza ziemi
gojira 2014-07-28, 23:27 3

"Dziwny, ogromny otwór w ziemi.

The size of this hole is so huge that people may come down into it on several Mi-8 helicopters, as they say. The place is situated not far from the largest Yamal gas reserve, a powerful underground stream is heard from the bottom. What you can see around the hole is a forest, the soil around the hole was thrown out. No explosive works had been carried out in the area, so it’s hard to explain why the hole appeared there.
The size of this hole is so huge that people may come down into it on several Mi-8 helicopters, as they say. The place is situated not far from the largest Yamal gas reserve, a powerful underground stream is heard from the bottom. What you can see around the hole is a forest, the soil around the hole was thrown out. No explosive works had been carried out in the area, so it’s hard to explain why the hole appeared there. "

ctrl+v drogi autorze ci sie zacial,zacial?
Yogii26 2014-07-29, 0:16
Podobny motyw był w filmie "Fantastyczna Czwórka: Narodziny Srebrnego Surfera".
Psycholciu 2014-07-29, 0:28
byłem tam, podobnie jak na skolwinie goclawiu i golecinie


Jest taka zasada nie każdy ją zna, wolność zaczyna się tam, gdzie kończy się strach.
baxs 2014-07-29, 1:14
To nie żadna dupa ziemi, to odbyt Matki Россия !
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:

  Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów