Oto link do odcinka z tą akcją, polecam zwiedzić całą ich wieś
źródło: google map
Oto link do odcinka z tą akcją, polecam zwiedzić całą ich wieś
Świat bez muzyki? To nie dla mnie.A kilka metrów dalej następni wracają z łupem.
Information We confirmed the police. "It was a reconstruction of the rape and killing of 47-year-old local woman from 10.1.2012," said Topky Presov police spokesman Daniel Džobanik. The cops are after more than three months (26.4.2012 note. Red.) Returned to a place that was able to capture the play of Google, which at that time mapped street Humenného.
The fateful day was Daniel from the local pub to go in a male escort, who took her to court to Podskalka, where she was raped. Abuse woman then pulled in front of her house and let her lie in the harsh winter on the doorstep. There she found the next day lying dead, died of hypothermia. Police then rape and killing of Daniela charged only 22-year-old Ladislav, heinous act for which there is 10 years in prison.
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