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Według źródła 18-latek wybrał się na wycieczkę z plecakiem pełnym broni, zmarł po przewiezieniu do szpitala.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office released body camera and surveillance video from the Nov. 26 incident in the North Valley in which a deputy shot and killed 18-year-old Elijah Riche armed with an “AR-15 style pistol” and carrying a backpack full of guns. The incident unfolded after BCSO says Riche crashed a red SUV into other cars at the intersection of Edith and Montaño around 2 p.m. on November 26, 2021, the day after Thanksgiving. One deputy followed the suspect south on Edith for about a quarter of a mile, until Riche crashed into a fence at Edith and Nikanda. The suspect gets out of the vehicle, runs about 10 feet down from the vehicle, he stops, turns back around and arms himself with weapons from the vehicle, then starts running again. In the body cam video, another responding deputy, Ronald Perez, noticed Riche was armed with an AR-15 pistol and asked him multiple times to put it down. Riche turned back, and continued running toward other deputies with the gun still in hand. That’s when deputy Perez shot him one time. Riche was taken to the hospital, but did not survive his injuries. BCSO found four other guns in Riche's car and backpack at the scene. BCSO said Riche had no criminal history as an adult but has a juvenile record.
Siemasz123 2021-12-18, 14:27
KonioBijca napisał/a:

W tej Ameryczce to chyba broń ostra jest tak tania i łatwo dostępna, jak u nas masło i chleb w sklepie spożywczym...

Czy ty kolego widziałeś ostatnio ceny masła w sklepie???
t................0 2022-05-06, 17:49
janlew napisał/a:

młody biały chłopak zmarł. Szkoda, bo ludzkiego życia akurat szkoda

Gówno tam szkoda. Sam sobie zapracował na taki los, a ty się brandzlujesz, bo biały.