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...przez bezdomne ścierwo nadające się tylko do utylizacji. Seattle. Źródło.

ukryta treść
Wantez Tulloss has a long criminal history, which includes first-degree robbery, theft, assault, and three violations of domestic violence no-contact order. Now, he’s been charged with first-degree assault.

On Jan. 31, police say he randomly attacked an Amazon employee, hitting her in the head with a baseball bat from behind in Belltown. After the attack, police say Tulloss got a slice of pizza.

The brutal beating briefly knocked the woman unconscious. When police arrived, they saw her bleeding out of one ear. She suffered multiple skull fractures and will face “significant surgery” to repair the damage, according to court documents.

Local media are choosing not to report an important detail: Tulloss appears to be a homeless man. He is currently living in transitional housing and was arrested after an officer saw the suspect with his case manager.

According to the police report, Tulloss lives in a complex maintained by Plymouth Housing.

Plymouth Housing provides permanent supportive housing services for homeless individuals. It’s part of the Housing First strategy where the homeless are given homes with no conditions before being provided wraparound services to address the underlying causes of their homelessness.

And at Plymouth Housing, they approach their work using a harm reduction model for the residents who are drug addicts. According to its website, Plymouth Housing creates a “nonjudgmental space” for its residents “to make changes if, and when, they are ready.”

These types of housing programs, which are purposefully placed in densely populated neighborhoods, often take in dangerous felons. They pose a significant danger to the community, but activists, politicians, and media members shame you for pointing this out. You’re supposed to mimic Plymouth Housing workers and be nonjudgmental towards drug-addicted, criminal homeless people. Perhaps it’s why media outlets here ignored this detail.

lolaxxdd 2022-02-09, 21:20 1
dawno mówiłem ,,,utylizować,,,
El Caudillo 2022-02-09, 21:38 1
Bambrych napisał/a:

W Seattle to pewnie babe jeszcze oskarżą, że jest białą kurwą i śmiała w ogóle przeżyć. Bo oczywiście powinna zdechnąć, a wszystko co posiada powinno zostać rozdane małpom.

właśnie chciałem napisać że w tym lewackim kurwidołku to jeszcze ktoś klęknie i przeprosi śmiecia , co za dużo z gównem się kręcił w betoniarce
lesku73 2022-02-09, 23:55 1
35i napisał/a:

Jakbym go już kiedyś widział, chyba na Stadionie na okładce kasety.

Na początku lat 90-tych w Belgii już prężnie działały beżowe ciapackie zespoły disco techno koko dżambo takie jak ten.
35i 2022-02-10, 5:17
lesku73 napisał/a:

Na początku lat 90-tych w Belgii już prężnie działały beżowe ciapackie zespoły disco techno koko dżambo takie jak ten.

Po pierwsze, o ile dobrze pamiętam, to 2 Unlimited jest holenderskie. Po drugie, spójrz na mój wiek podany przy nicku. Napisałeś mi "oczywistą oczywistość".
MarcinHolmes 2022-02-11, 13:44 1
I po co taki chwast żyje?