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T................y 2020-08-06, 21:14
Pierre_Dolec napisał/a:

Więcej tam plastiku niż we francuskim samochodzie

Kiedyś może kupisz samochód młodszy od siebie, to zobaczysz ile plastiku jest w niemieckim
NightLou 2020-08-07, 7:04
Yup, Belvederek
xnavx 2020-08-07, 8:47
Smieszny ten hejt na ta laske, kazdy tutaj zeby ja puknac, zmywal by podloge u tesciow 2 dni pod rzad.
Jest jakis SOURCE jej reszty nagran?
RoBoTRoN 2020-08-08, 9:53
banior napisał/a:

Wódka "Belvedere" nie jest polska...


Za Wiki:


The distillery that produces Belvedere was constructed in 1910. Production began in 1993 at the facility located at Polmos Żyrardów, Poland. In 2002, 40% of Millennium was acquired by the luxury goods group LVMH and in April 2005 this stake was raised to 100%.

In 2015, Belvedere Vodka was chosen to be the official vodka brand of the 24th James Bond film, Spectre.

Belvedere was named the Vodka Producer of the Year for the third consecutive year at the International Spirits Challenge in July 2017. In September 2017, the Belvedere announced it would cease production on its 'Unfiltered' version of its vodka and release the Single Estate Rye series.

Production process

In order for Belvedere Vodka to be labeled as a super premium Polska Wódka (Polish Vodka), the vodka must be produced using specific Polish grains or potatoes and Polish water. The official labeling of Polish Vodka also requires that no artificial additives be added to vodkas. As such, Belvedere Vodka uses varieties of Dankowskie rye harvested from one of seven nearby farms in its "luxury" vodka. To produce the vodka, the rye is harvested and simmered to form a mash which is then fermented and distilled at an agricultural distillery before undergoing distillation three additional times at the Belvedere distillery.
~Beny 2020-08-08, 10:08 2
RoBoTRoN napisał/a:

In 2002, 40% of Millennium was acquired by the luxury goods group LVMH and in April 2005 this stake was raised to 100%.

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