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trochę z innej perspektywy niż zwykle, jak ktoś lubi takie dramaty to zapraszam...
Najlepszy komentarz (51 piw)
Kriski • 2021-10-06, 16:31
Domowa patola wyszła jej bokiem.

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A Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Deputy shot and killed a man Monday morning at a Shell gas station, according to Undersheriff James VanDyken.

The incident happened around 2:45 a.m. at the Shell located on 35th Street in Galesburg.

In a news conference Monday afternoon, the sheriff's office released an audio recording of the 911 call, along with body-cam video of the incident that shows what led to the deadly shooting.

The incident started with RV Johnson, 22, of Galesburg telling staff at the Shell gas station he needed to call 911. In the recording, he's heard telling the 911 dispatcher that he wants authorities to come to the station.

When the Kalamazoo County deputy, a more than 20-year veteran on the force whose name has not been released, arrived, the situation escalated quickly. Sheriff Rick Fuller said the deputy didn't know he was going to be confronted. Johnson is seen in the body-cam video lunging at the deputy with a knife multiple times.

The deputy tells Johnson to put his weapon down multiple times and when Johnson lunges again, the deputy shoots him once.

Authorities tried lifesaving measures but Johnson died on scene.

"To talk about what levels of force are used in any circumstance, that ultimately really comes from a full investigation," said Sheriff Fuller. "We have been with the family this morning and I can tell you they are suffering this loss and this is very tragic."

Fuller said this was the first time Johnson had an encounter with law enforcement.

The involved deputy was not hurt in the incident. Michigan State Police is now handling the investigation.
Zmiótł ich jak w GTA
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-05, 20:17
Uliczne wyścigi na Tajwanie i konkretna masakra.

ukryta treść


On Route 66 in the Guanyin District of Taoyuan City, Taiwan, a street racing crash caused some deaths and injuries.

At 12:35AM on September 17, 2021, 34-year-old Hong Nan was in his BMW when he decided to race a 26-year-old man named Qiu. When passing through the 9th section of the Guanyin District Expressway along the Tai 66 Expressway towards Daxi, the monitor screen showed that Hong Nan was driving at a speed of 100 miles per hour. In the inner lane, there was a car next to it. After being overtaken on the road section where the incident occurred, Hong Nan's vehicle suddenly deflected into the outer lane, skidded and flicked, hitting people and vehicles on the side of the road.

After being hit, one of them flew to the roadside guardrail, causing serious injuries to a 27-year-old man named Liu and a 36-year-old boy named Tong and who both died; 28-year-old Gao, a 25-year-old named Liu, and a 22-year-old female named Lai had multiple bruises on their bodies. They were not seriously injured after being sent to the doctor. Hong Nan who caused the accident was slightly injured. When the paramedics arrived, he refused to be sent to the doctor.

Three people who gathered outside the vehicle to chat were injured, two were killed, and four cars, BMW, Mercedes, etc were damaged.

From the long brake marks at the scene, the entire rear end of Hong Nan's BMW car was dented, the front chassis of the car was damaged, and the crowds and cars gathered at the scene late at night, the police suspected that Hong Nan was out of control and caused the accident.

After the incident, Hong Nan and Qiu Nan both denied racing, and the police still transferred the two people to the Taoyuan District Prosecutor's Office for investigation based on public danger and negligence causing death.

It is reported that Hong Nan only bought this second-hand BMW in June this year and had been sent for repair. Hong Nan argued that he was only going to test the car and see the condition after repairs. He denied racing behavior and did not know the people gathered on the roadside; the police followed the line and found the owner of Qiu, who was suspected of racing with Hong Nan, but he also denied racing. The police transferred the two people to the local investigation office. The prosecutor and the forensic doctor examined the body of the deceased last night to clarify the cause and responsibility of the accident.

Śmierć w poczekalni
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-04, 17:57
Czekał na swoją kolej i się nie doczekał. Niby Turcja ale łudząco przypomina pewien kraj w Europie Środkowej.
Najlepszy komentarz (26 piw)
Snajkers • 2021-10-04, 18:21
Te modlitwy mogą człowieka wykończyć.
Zawalony budynek
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-10-04, 17:25
Według opisu 4-piętrowy budynek zawalił się zabijając starszego mężczyznę widocznego na początku i na końcu nagrania.
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