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Chyba nikt mu nie powiedział, że nie jest już na Dzikim Zachodzie. Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
An independent investigative unit in the Maryland Attorney General’s office released a seven-minute video Wednesday showing a shootout between Montgomery County Police officers and 27-year-old Osman Sesay of Silver Spring, who died as a result.

The video is graphic, but as part of a newly formed unit charged with investigating fatal encounters between law enforcement officers and civilians, the attorney general’s mandate is to increase transparency with the public.

Sesay was shot and killed by police on December 29, 2021, after he opened fire on officers during an early morning traffic stop following a shooting at a nightclub in Silver Spring.
Według opisu gość został w porę wyciągnięty więc brawa dla nich.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
PSO deputies are never sure what each shift will bring. District 1 deputies found themselves on the Suncoast Parkway on the SR 52 overpass on Dec. 29 just after midnight, responding to a car crash. A driver was trapped inside a car on fire and partially over a guardrail. Deputies arrived before Pasco Fire Rescue and used three fire extinguishers to attempt to put out the fire, but the flames came back each time and got closer to the trapped driver. Deputies eventually bent the badly damaged driver’s side door down enough to pull the driver to safety.

We share video of this rescue to show the dangers our deputies face each shift. We’re proud of their selfless efforts to ensure the driver made it out of the car alive.
Kradzione nie tuczy...
Halman • 2022-01-02, 9:07

a czasami nawet mordę rozbija...
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
CrookerS • 2022-01-02, 10:17
Dresik niezly skurwiel dal koledze wiatru w plecy