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Cudowne ozdrowienie
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-03-31, 10:46
Funkcjonariusz musi się jeszcze podszkolić bo dał się zrobić w chuja jak nowicjusz. Akcja przed budynkiem sądu. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
A man’s short flight for freedom ended this week after authorities say he used a wheelchair as his cover, then jumped out of the chair and took off running just minutes before he was scheduled to be in court.

Content partner KARK said the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office released the video showing Joel Delgado, 41, escaping custody Monday.

After he ran away, he took off across the street to a nearby cab and left. However, he was later arrested on West 65th Street in Little Rock.

Delgado was facing residential burglary and possession of a firearm charge when he fled from deputies. However, he is expected to face escape charges in the case, KARK reported.

Delgado told deputies that he was injured after he was caught. He was taken to a hospital to be checked out.

However, authorities said once he was discharged from the hospital, he was brought back to the Pulaski County jail in a wheelchair, KARK said.

Pulaski County authorities also said they are reviewing the video footage of the escape to find out if the department’s inmate transfer procedures need to be changed.