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Według źródła sprawca wydmuchał 2 promile.
Najlepszy komentarz (33 piw)
radek225 • 2023-12-24, 18:51
Lord_Slizgacz napisał/a:

Najebanych za kółkiem, powinni karać jak morderców. 25 lat minimum.

W tym zjebanym kraju to aby dostać 25 lat za morderstwo to trzeba chyba wyruchać żonę sędziego, spuścić mu się do jogurtu, nasrać na wycieraczkę i jeszcze zjebać sędziego żeby zabrał żonę do ginekologa który ściaśni dziurę bo morderca miał wrażenie, że macha kutasem w wiadrze
Musieli się nim zająć policjanci. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Queens, New York — On Thursday, April 13, 2023, at approximately 3:44p.m., 59-year-old Richard Moncrieffe was observed by civilian witnesses acting erratic and in possession of a knife in front of 89-62 164th Street, Queens, the First Presbyterian Church. He was approached by the security guard of the church at which point Moncrieffe stabbed him in the torso. Witnesses then called 911 to report the stabbing. Following the call to 911, Police Officer Daniel Gennaro and Police Officer Garret Poliey responded to the location. When the officers arrived, Moncrieffe was seated on the front steps of the church, still in possession of the knife.

Police Officer Gennaro and Police Officer Poliey shouted to Moncrieffe for him to drop his knife, however, he rose to his feet and began to charge at the officers. As a result, Police Officer Gennaro discharged two shots from his service firearm and Police Officer Poliey discharged two shots from his service firearm. Moncrieffe was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground. He was subsequently taken into custody and taken from the scene via ambulance to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center where he was treated for his injuries. For his actions, Moncrieffe was arrested and charged with Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, Assault in the First Degree, Menacing a Police Officer, Criminal Possession of a Weapon Fourth Degree, and related charges.