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ukryta treść
Carson, California — On August 7, 2023, at 1:53 a.m., Carson Sheriff Station received a 911 call from a store clerk reporting a man causing a disturbance at a gas station. The caller said the man, later identified as 34-year-old Arturo Cernas of Los Angeles, was screaming at the gas pumps and would not leave. Carson Station deputies were dispatched to the call. Cernas eventually complied and got on his knees. Deputies repeatedly told him not to reach for anything. For approximately a minute and a half, Cernas remained on his knees with his hands on his head.

He suddenly reached into his right pocket for a cell phone and reached into his backpack. During this time, deputies gave repeated commands for Cernas to stop moving. Cernas then grabbed the pistol from his left pant pocket. When Cernas reached into his pocket and grabbed the pistol, one deputy fired a less lethal 40mm foam projectile. Cernas continued drawing the pistol and, almost simultaneously, a deputy discharged his service weapon. Deputies rendered medical aid until the arrival of Los Angeles County Fire Department Paramedics. Paramedics pronounced Cernas deceased at the scene. After the incident, it was determined to be a CO2 BB pistol which resembled a firearm.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
leonidkacap • 2023-09-10, 8:45
jeden pies czy atrapa czy prawdziwy ważne że czarnuch odstrzelony