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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie (tylko materiały z opisem) - ostatnia aktualizacja: Wczoraj 21:52


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Albany, California — On September 21, 2023, a little before 11:15 a.m., the Berkeley Police Department and Albany Police Department responded to an active shooter at the Toyota of Berkeley Service Center, located at 1025 Eastshore Highway, in Albany. Dispatch centers for both police departments received 9-1-1 calls reporting a woman had been shot by a man who entered the service center and started shooting. The Berkeley Police Department arrived on the scene, evacuated the area, and entered the business to search for victim(s). A team of officers made it to the second floor of the building and encountered 24-year-old Lamar Walker crouched near a desk, pointing a silver firearm at them. Five officers discharged their firearms, striking Walker. On the floor near Walker, officers located 24-year-old Alonna Gallon, deceased from an apparent gunshot wound. First responders provided emergency first aid to both parties, but they succumbed to their injuries and were pronounced dead.