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 już wpłaciłem / nie jestem zainteresowany
Dobre bo polskie. Według źródła prawdziwe kombo: pijany patus przewoził narkotyki a auto nie miało OC i przeglądu. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (77 piw)
nowynick • 2023-10-10, 10:42
Dobrze wiedzieć, że mamy jeszcze w Warszawie prawdziwych policjantów
Poddaję się
~_Yarko_ • 2023-09-30, 16:36
Facet wjechał samochodem w komisariat w New Jersey.
Zasłuchał się w Guns N' Roses.

Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
leonidkacap • 2023-09-30, 18:23
kurwa jaki luz chciałbym mieć tak wyjebane jak on
Polecam obejrzeć całość, ciekawa akcja. Źródło i link do całości w wersji HD.

ukryta treść
Los Angeles, California — On August 12, 2023, at around 8:17 p.m., Olympic Area uniformed patrol officers responded to a radio call of a “Man with a Gun” inside the convenience store, located at the 3400 block of West 6th Street. Upon arrival the suspect, later identified as 35-year-old, Taylor Dean Sanders, had left the location. At around 9:19 p.m., officers who were canvassing the area, observed Sanders on the south sidewalk of Wilshire Boulevard west of Kenmore Avenue, carrying what appeared to be a black assault rifle. As officers issued verbal commands to Sanders, he raised the rifle in the direction of the officers resulting in an Officer-Involved Shooting (OIS). Officers broadcast a “Help Call,” as Sanders fled the location on foot.

Responding uniform officers from Rampart and Olympic Division observed Sanders walking south on Vermont Avenue from Wilshire Boulevard. Officers began to follow Sanders on foot from behind the cover of their trailing police vehicles. As Sanders reached mid-block between Vermont Avenue and 7th Street, officers deployed both Bean Bag Shotguns and 40mm Less-Lethal Launchers (LLL) towards Sanders. Sanders again raised his rifle in the direction of the officers, which resulted in a second OIS. Sanders continued to flee south on Vermont Avenue to a multi-unit shopping center and parking lot located at the northeast corner of 7th Street and Vermont Avenue. Officers again deployed 40mm LLL towards Sanders and as Sanders again pointed his rifle in the direction of officers resulting in a third OIS.

Sanders barricaded himself in an open-air stairwell of the parking lot and refused to submit to commands. Metropolitan Division Special Weapon and Tactics (SWAT) personnel responded to the location and after a lengthy standoff, Sanders surrendered without incident. Sanders was transported to California Hospital Medical Center for treatment of gunshot wounds. Sanders was admitted and listed in stable condition. Sanders was booked for Brandishing an Imitation Firearm at officers. Two replica firearms were located, a black air soft gun in the appearance of a rifle and a black and orange butane lighter in the appearance of a small pistol were recovered from the scene and booked as evidence. No officers or other citizens were injured during this incident. Force Investigation Division (FID) investigators responded to the scene and are investigating this incident.
Według źródła smoluch złamał mu nos. Źródło.

ukryta treść
Johnny McCray, age 39, was arrested on Wednesday night, Sept. 6 on assault charges after punching an officer in the face, according to Yonkers Police.

On the night of the incident, police responded to Yonkers Avenue in the area of Cypress Street on reports of a man lying down on the sidewalk. There, arriving officers found a man identified as McCray, who they confirmed was still breathing.

McCray was then taken into an ambulance for further treatment. However, he soon tried to leave the ambulance despite officers and medical staff's attempts to convince him to stay in the vehicle.

While police were telling McCray to stay for treatment and to sit down, McCray then sucker-punched one of the officers in his face, breaking his nose, authorities said.

The officers at the scene then pulled McCray to the ground and handcuffed him. He was later charged with second-degree assault on a police officer, a felony, in addition to other charges, according to police.
Szybko go sprowadzili na ziemię.

ukryta treść
A suspect who allegedly shot at officers was wounded when they fired back - and then taken into custody in the Pico-Union district on Sunday, police say.

No officers or witnesses were injured, but the suspect was struck and sustained injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening, the LAPD says.

The incident happened around 12:30 p.m. in the area of West Pico Boulevard and Kenmore.

LAPD officials say two officers were driving down Pico in a department vehicle when someone opened fire at them. Bullets struck the windshield of the SUV but the officers were not injured.
Przecież to tylko kobieta
phrontch • 2023-09-08, 18:11
Brazylijscy policjanci od dawna stosują równouprawnienie

Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
Smoczoor • 2023-09-08, 20:32
co se poruchali na komendzie to ich
Gdzieś we wy Afryce
~Velture • 2023-09-06, 11:40
Nie mam kurwa zielonego pojęcia o chuj tu chodzi więc wrzucam w takiej formie jak znalazłem.

Miłego oglądania

Najlepszy komentarz (39 piw)
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-06, 11:50
Już wyjaśniam o co tu chodzi: smoluch dostał w cymbał i poszedł spać. Dziękuję za uwagę i dobranoc
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:

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