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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 0:57
📌 Konflikt izrealsko-arabski - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 0:05


17-latek trafił na OIOM ze złamaniem podstawy czaszki a szef dodatkowo wyjebał go z roboty za nieprzestrzeganie zasad bezpieczeństwa.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A 17-year-old Kyrgyz, while falling from the roof of a two-story kindergarten No. 51 on Sedova Street, was fired from the office that hired him.

He did not follow the safety precautions when removing snow from the roof, so the director of the institution decided to dismiss the hired guest worker retroactively.

Southerner is in the intensive care unit of a children's hospital. He was diagnosed with a fracture of the base of the skull, hematoma of the eye and abrasion of the cheekbone.