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Cwaniak w beemie....
k................s • 2017-12-19, 18:36
...czy może w volkswagenie?

Ot, niespodziewane zakończenie

ukryta treść

BMW rams suspects vehicle that the police were chasing
In the Dobele region, the police pursue Passat (shooting from a police car). At this moment, BMW rushes past and takes the fugitive to the ram. BMW several times pushes VW, that pulls off the road, but again and again returns to the roadway.
The police drive after at a speed of 80 km / h, but does not interfere. Eventually, the BMW driver manages to push the VW into a ditch and it stops. At this point, the police run up and twist the offender.
From the car goes and the driver of BMW, and then his passengers - judging by the small growth, perhaps, the children
Najlepszy komentarz (26 piw)
Essent • 2017-12-19, 19:02
A już myślałem,że Janusze się autami biją,a to zwykły pościg policyjny