Wojna na Ukrainie
- ostatnia aktualizacja:
Dzisiaj 21:20
Konflikt izrealsko-arabski
- ostatnia aktualizacja:
2024-11-16, 22:22
Zrzutka na serwery i rozwój serwisu
Witaj użytkowniku,Od czasu naszej pierwszej zrzutki minęło już ponad 7 miesięcy i środki, które na niej pozyskaliśmy wykorzystaliśmy na wymianę i utrzymanie serwerów.
Niestety sytaucja związana z brakiem reklam nie uległa poprawie i w tej chwili możemy się utrzymać przy życiu wyłącznie z wpłat użytkowników.
Zachęcamy zatem do wparcia nas w postaci zrzutki - jednorazowo lub cyklicznie. Zarejestrowani użytkownicy strony mogą również wsprzeć nas kupując usługę Premium (więcej informacji).
już wpłaciłem / nie jestem zainteresowany Link do Zrzutki
Po angielsku, bo to orginał.
E-mail o prace.
From Me to **************@***********.org:
I saw your ad looking for a grill in exchange for your landscaping skills. Do you do tree removal? If so, there is a very expensive grill in it for you.
From josh ******* to Me:
From me to josh *******:
Great! There is a pine tree that has been bothering me and I want it cut down. You won't have to remove it. It hasn't been a problem until about two years ago when it got much taller. My problem with it is that it is obscuring the view to my neighbor's upstairs bathroom window. I used to have a perfect view of the neighbor's wife changing in the bathroom every day. She had great tits and an ass that was out of this world. It really completed my morning whenever I caught a glimpse of her. Now that this damn pine tree is in the way, I can't see a thing.
If you could go onto my neighbor's property and cut the tree down while they are at work, I will let you take the grill that is outside on their patio. I'm not sure what brand it is, but it is a gigantic propane grill. It looks really nice.
If they ask about it, I will tell them that a huge storm happened while they were at work, and the wind blew the tree over and blew the grill away. Meanwhile you will be enjoying a delicious salisbury steak from your new grill, and I wil be enjoying my neighbor's hot wife as she steps into the shower.
They usually leave for work around 7:30 AM during the week, and come back home around 6:00 PM. If you could have it done before they get back on Monday, that would be great.
From josh ******* to Me:
wat the fuck r u smoking dude? so i cut down ur neigbors tree and u let me steal his grille. what a grate deal ass hole. how bout i just take the grille and dont cut down the tree u fuck
From me to josh *******:
You don't know where his house is, so how are you going to steal the grill? I think my information in exchange for your services is a fair trade. I'll even let you come over for a few beers afterward, and we can watch the wife in the bathroom from my bedroom window.
From josh ******* to Me:
i dont want a stolen grille i want a real grille u retard wat da fuck is ur problem. and i dont give a shit bout naked neigbor u fuckin perv
From me to josh *******:
I assure you that this grill is real. By cutting down the tree, you are earning the grill and it will not be stolen. Also, if seeing a naked woman isn't your thing, you could probably catch the husband changing in the bathroom as well. I won't be watching, but I'm not one to judge your lifestyle.
From josh ******* to Me:
ur the fagot u dick sucking fuck fag cock sucker!! eat a fuckin dick u piece of shitt!!!
E-mail o prace.
From Me to **************@***********.org:
I saw your ad looking for a grill in exchange for your landscaping skills. Do you do tree removal? If so, there is a very expensive grill in it for you.
From josh ******* to Me:
From me to josh *******:
Great! There is a pine tree that has been bothering me and I want it cut down. You won't have to remove it. It hasn't been a problem until about two years ago when it got much taller. My problem with it is that it is obscuring the view to my neighbor's upstairs bathroom window. I used to have a perfect view of the neighbor's wife changing in the bathroom every day. She had great tits and an ass that was out of this world. It really completed my morning whenever I caught a glimpse of her. Now that this damn pine tree is in the way, I can't see a thing.
If you could go onto my neighbor's property and cut the tree down while they are at work, I will let you take the grill that is outside on their patio. I'm not sure what brand it is, but it is a gigantic propane grill. It looks really nice.
If they ask about it, I will tell them that a huge storm happened while they were at work, and the wind blew the tree over and blew the grill away. Meanwhile you will be enjoying a delicious salisbury steak from your new grill, and I wil be enjoying my neighbor's hot wife as she steps into the shower.
They usually leave for work around 7:30 AM during the week, and come back home around 6:00 PM. If you could have it done before they get back on Monday, that would be great.
From josh ******* to Me:
wat the fuck r u smoking dude? so i cut down ur neigbors tree and u let me steal his grille. what a grate deal ass hole. how bout i just take the grille and dont cut down the tree u fuck
From me to josh *******:
You don't know where his house is, so how are you going to steal the grill? I think my information in exchange for your services is a fair trade. I'll even let you come over for a few beers afterward, and we can watch the wife in the bathroom from my bedroom window.
From josh ******* to Me:
i dont want a stolen grille i want a real grille u retard wat da fuck is ur problem. and i dont give a shit bout naked neigbor u fuckin perv
From me to josh *******:
I assure you that this grill is real. By cutting down the tree, you are earning the grill and it will not be stolen. Also, if seeing a naked woman isn't your thing, you could probably catch the husband changing in the bathroom as well. I won't be watching, but I'm not one to judge your lifestyle.
From josh ******* to Me:
ur the fagot u dick sucking fuck fag cock sucker!! eat a fuckin dick u piece of shitt!!!
łot de fak...
Tu a nie na harda, bo jest Happy End
Ruszty do przyrządzania dzieci > smażalnia części ciała.
Rarytas dla sadystów.
Rarytas dla sadystów.
i wszystkie suczki na ognisku są jego
Produkt z folderu na griil i na piknik
odc.1 Otwarcie Sadystycznego Sezonu Grillowego
odc.2 Arabska wyprawka dla pierwszaka
odc.2 Arabska wyprawka dla pierwszaka
Zwierzęta mają prawo być smaczne
Kubuś Puchatek i Krzyś grillują sobie w ogródku,
nagle Kubuś mówi do Krzysia:
- wiesz co, ja tak naprawdę nie lubię tego prosiaczka!
- nie lubisz? to go nie jedz!
nagle Kubuś mówi do Krzysia:
- wiesz co, ja tak naprawdę nie lubię tego prosiaczka!
- nie lubisz? to go nie jedz!
Wpis zawiera treści oznaczone jako przeznaczone dla dorosłych, kontrowersyjne lub niezweryfikowane
Kliknij tutaj aby wyświetlić wpis
Kliknij tutaj aby wyświetlić wpis
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych
materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony
oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.
Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:
Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów
Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:
Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów