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Według źródła 28-letni napastnik zaatakował w Walmarcie ale został obezwładniony a potem aresztowany. Źródło.

ukryta treść
28-year-old man has been arrested in Miami after the alleged sexual assault of a woman in a Walmart along Northwest 79th Street.

According to the arrest form, Bredan Harvey approached the woman from behind while she was shopping in the store and pulled up her dress to touch her back.

Police say that when she turned around to confront her aggressor, he pushed her to the ground, ripping off her clothes and trying to touch her below the waist.

The alleged assault occurred in the aisles of Walmart and was witnessed by at least two people who say they intervened to remove Harvey from the victim.
Najlepszy komentarz (20 piw)
PanKukuruźnik82 • 2022-03-23, 15:13
Swooniak napisał/a:

Jak bardzo sp***olonym umysłowo trzeba być, żeby próbować popełnić przestępstwo seksualne w sklepie pełnym świadków? XD

Jak jesteś człekokształtny i masz IQ poniżej 70 punktów, to przestaje być taką zagadką.
Musieli czekać na serwisanta więc ruskiemu coś odjebało a potem sobie porozmawiali jeszcze.
Najlepszy komentarz (42 piw)
Sarniak17 • 2022-03-22, 18:34
co za zero jebane brudne
Według źródła poszkodowana to 27-letnia kobieta.
Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
marcino_zly • 2022-03-20, 20:23
jebać_w_dupę_pis napisał/a:

i chuj szmacie w dupę, takie samo ruskie ścierwo jak ten co ją okradł. Ani jedno ani drugie ścierwo nie powinno mieć prawa do życia

Jebnij się młotkiem w swój pusty łeb.
Według źródła poszkodowana to 62-letnia pielęgniarka a policja już namierzyła 40-letniego napastnika. Źródło.

ukryta treść
A nurse was left with three broken ribs and a broken clavicle after she was thrown down the stairs of a Seattle rail station in a brutal unprovoked attack.

Alexander Jay, 40, was caught on camera repeatedly throwing the victim and then kicking her during the vicious assault, say King County prosecutors.

Police say that the attack was unprovoked and that the 62-tear-old victim needed surgery to fix her broken clavicle.

As she got to her feet after the initial attack, security video shows the victim being grabbed again and thrown down another stretch of the concrete steps.

The suspect then allegedly tried to grab her and throw her for a third time, but the victim is seen clinging to a railing.

After kicking and punching the victim, the suspect then ran up the stairs and fled the scene.

“The male who assaulted her was in the same car on the light rail train with her, facing her,” a detective stated in the probable cause certificate.

“She was standing, and he was seated. They had no interaction or confrontation. He continued to pull his mask down while on the light rail, and she got a good look at his face. The cross (tattoo) on his face stood out to her, and she recognized him as the same male who later assaulted her.”

A security guard eventually came to the woman’s aid

The suspect was arrested by Seattle police the day after the attack and faces arraignment on second-degree assault on 24 March, according to KIRO7.

As of Monday he remains in prison on a $150,000 bail.

Court documents state that the suspect has criminal convictions in the state of Washington including burglary, theft, selling stolen property and several instances of domestic violence.

He also has prior convictions in California for theft, drug possession, auto theft and burglary.

Courts in Washington have issued more than 15 bench warrants for the suspect failing to attend hearings.
Najlepszy komentarz (21 piw)
nowynick • 2022-03-17, 12:31
jeśli zrobił to rzeczywiście niesprowokowany to szkoda czasu i pieniędzy na leczenie czy resocjalizację, bo nigdy nie będzie można go puścić wolno będąc pewnym, że kogoś znów nie spróbuje zajebać... kula w łeb i do rzeki...
...w hotelu a wszystko według źródła dla niecałych 200 dolarów bo tyle ukradł. Gówno do utylizacji. Źródło.

ukryta treść
ORLANDO, Fla. - Orlando police have arrested a man they say stabbed an older female hotel worker multiple times earlier this month.

Cordarryl Glenn Demby, 35, is facing several charges including attempted felony murder stemming from the March 2 incident at the Best Western Inn Orlando on West Colonial Drive.

On Thursday, detectives provided details about the crime. They say Demby was at the hotel for around 20 minutes before attacking the woman, which was caught on camera.

Demby was reportedly released from the Orange County Jail on March 1. He was supposed to pick up his property which was close to the hotel.

Demby reportedly walked in and out of the hotel and asked the clerk to show him a room. In security video, the victim is seen behind the counter and Demby is walking around on the other side. He suddenly jumps over the counter and hits and stabs the woman. When she tries to get up, he hits her again. Demby then reportedly steals money and leaves, which was less than $200.

Authorities say Demby has a lengthy criminal history.

The victim is healing is now out of the hospital.
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