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* (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
Tulsa, Oklahoma — On 02-04-2022 Officers responded to an Armed Robbery that just occurred at a check cashing business located at Pine and Lewis. Several units converged on the area, including the Air Support Unit. The victim told 911 that the suspect pointed a black .45 pistol at him and demanded money, the victim gave him the cash in his pocket and the suspect took off on a bicycle. The victim described the suspect as a small male, wearing a hoodie and mask. The suspect was later identified as 16-year-old, Isaiah Perez. The victim told 911 that he last saw Perez heading east towards Springdale Elementary.

Within minutes the helicopter was able to find Perez in that area and started to coordinate with patrol officers, a pursuit started and went on for a few blocks into the neighborhood. Perez crashed his bicycle and continued running on foot. Officers continued to pursue, and Perez eventually stopped running. Officers gave several commands to Perez. Perez pulled a gun from his waistband and officers fired their weapons in response to the Perez’s actions striking him. Upon being shot Perez dropped his pistol. Officers moved up to secure Perez and start first aid, Perez succumbed to his injuries. In a statement released the day after the shooting, police said Perez died about 6 a.m. at a hospital. Perez had $22 on him when he was shot, police said.
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Yesterday in Nizhnevartovsk, a 22-year-old girl, whose driving experience is 1 year, was cut off. As a result of the accident, two pedestrians, teenagers aged 16 and 17, were injured.
17-latek trafił na OIOM ze złamaniem podstawy czaszki a szef dodatkowo wyj🤬 go z roboty za nieprzestrzeganie zasad bezpieczeństwa.

Oryginalny opis:
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A 17-year-old Kyrgyz, while falling from the roof of a two-story kindergarten No. 51 on Sedova Street, was fired from the office that hired him.

He did not follow the safety precautions when removing snow from the roof, so the director of the institution decided to dismiss the hired guest worker retroactively.

Southerner is in the intensive care unit of a children's hospital. He was diagnosed with a fracture of the base of the skull, hematoma of the eye and abrasion of the cheekbone.
Według źródła 18-latek wybrał się na wycieczkę z plecakiem pełnym broni, zmarł po przewiezieniu do szpitala.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office released body camera and surveillance video from the Nov. 26 incident in the North Valley in which a deputy shot and killed 18-year-old Elijah Riche armed with an “AR-15 style pistol” and carrying a backpack full of guns. The incident unfolded after BCSO says Riche crashed a red SUV into other cars at the intersection of Edith and Montaño around 2 p.m. on November 26, 2021, the day after Thanksgiving. One deputy followed the suspect south on Edith for about a quarter of a mile, until Riche crashed into a fence at Edith and Nikanda. The suspect gets out of the vehicle, runs about 10 feet down from the vehicle, he stops, turns back around and arms himself with weapons from the vehicle, then starts running again. In the body cam video, another responding deputy, Ronald Perez, noticed Riche was armed with an AR-15 pistol and asked him multiple times to put it down. Riche turned back, and continued running toward other deputies with the gun still in hand. That’s when deputy Perez shot him one time. Riche was taken to the hospital, but did not survive his injuries. BCSO found four other guns in Riche's car and backpack at the scene. BCSO said Riche had no criminal history as an adult but has a juvenile record.

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