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#nowy jork

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przykład z nowojorskiego metra...
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
Masan • 2024-01-05, 8:02
niglet i tak pewnie spierdolił nawet jak go za łapę złapali. Swoją drogą w US i A żyje jakoś 330mln "ludzi" 12,5% to czarnuchy jak oni ich rozróżniają przy jakiejś identyfikacji jak dla mnie oni tacy sami (małp w stadzie też nie rozróżnisz).
Pojebana akcja.
Najlepszy komentarz (37 piw)
Kriski • 2023-11-05, 17:22
SkoPio1 napisał/a:

Ten kraj jest już tak pojebany, że takim grubym pasztetom ktoś daje takie samochody?

W Polsce też znajdziesz mnóstwo zjebów którzy, gdyby mogli to swoim ulepem wjechaliby do sklepu, zrobili zakupy i podjechali do kasy. A potem parkowali na siódmym pod drzwiami.
Zaraz po tym jak dowiedział się, że będzie aresztowany. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Brooklyn, New York — On Wednesday, December 21, 2022, at approximately 8:39 a.m., Police Officer Orlando Adorno along with other officers, assigned to patrol in the 79th Precinct and attired in uniform, responded to a 911 call for a dispute in the vicinity of Gates Avenue and Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn. Upon arrival, the officers were met on the sidewalk by the caller and 41-year-old Raheen Joye. After interviewing the 9-1-1 caller and Joye, and observing evidence at the scene, Police Officer Adorno and the other officers informed Joye that he was being placed under arrest. As the officers attempted to take Joye into custody, he began to resist them and attempted to flee. Ballistic evidence recovered from this scene revealed that Joye discharged at least one shot from his firearm.

During the struggle with the officers, Joye retrieved a firearm from his person and discharged it, striking Police Officer Adorno in the right foot. He then fled the location on foot. In response to calls for assistance, Police Officer Bowie and Police Officer Bido, along with other officers, responded to the location and were informed of Joye's direction of flight. The officers travelled in that direction in their vehicles and observed Joye running eastbound on the south sidewalk of Monroe Street. Joye was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground. He was taken into custody without further incident. In response, Police Officer Bowie discharged five shots from his service firearm, and Police Officer Bido discharged one shot from his service firearm. Police Officer Bowie and Police Officer Bido then pursued Joye on foot.

During the pursuit, Joye again produced the firearm, brandished it in his right hand, and discharged it at the pursing officers. Ballistic evidence recovered from this scene revealed that Joye discharged at least two shots from his firearm. For his actions, Joye was subsequently arrested and charged with Attempted Murder of a Police Officer (five counts), Attempted Aggravated Assault on a Police Officer (five counts), Criminal Possession of a Loaded Firearm, and related charges. Police Officer Adorno was taken via NYPD vehicle to Kings County Hospital Center, where he was treated for a gunshot wound to his right foot. Joye was taken by ambulance to NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, where he was treated for his injuries and later discharged.
Według źródła zbyt bardzo hałasowali więc pan czekoladowy postanowił ich odjebać. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (59 piw)
0................1 • 2023-10-31, 11:27
Postrzelony ochroniarz
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-09-13, 7:29
Według źródła 16-latek postrzelił ochroniarza podczas meczu w szkole średniej w Utica w stanie Nowy Jork.

ukryta treść
A teenage suspect was arrested in the shooting of a security guard who was blasted in the head while breaking up a fight at a high school football game in New York over the weekend, police announced.

The suspect, a 16-year-old boy, turned himself in to police Sunday after he was identified through numerous videos of the shooting at Thomas R. Proctor High School, the Utica Police Department said.

Police said the teen was not a student at the Utica high school but was enrolled in “an alternative educational program.”

His name has not been released as he is underage, and police said they seeking to prosecute him as an adult.

The teenager faces charges of attempted murder in the second degree, along with several weapons offenses.
Według źródła wypchnął ją wnuczek, 88-latka trafiła do szpitala.

ukryta treść
The footage shows the distressed 88-year-old hanging out of a window at 1812 Clay Ave. around 7 a.m. Friday, as her daughter, 61, stands on the sidewalk.

The younger woman, wearing a white shirt soaked in blood, appeared to be speaking with the grandmother.

After a short time, two hands can be seen shoving the older woman from the window.

Her body slowly edges out of the opening before tumbling onto the pavement.

She then rolls over, and appears to be bleeding from her nose and mouth, the clip reveals.

Video shows the distressed 88-year-old hanging out the window at 1812 Clay Avenue around 7 a.m. Friday.

Ernest Thompson, the building’s superintendent, said he came outside to see what the commotion was and saw his tenants in distress.

“I ran out and I saw her neck and side mutilated,” he said.

“So I told her, ‘Wait for me. I’m going to get compression to put on your wounds.’

“Before I had a chance to get a few feet away her son was pushing his grandmother directly out of the window,” he said.

“When she fell, I just grabbed her and I was like ‘Don’t move. Stay right here. I’m getting help,’” he said, as he crouched down on the floor and put his arms out pretending the grandmother was there.

“By this time, the cops were coming across the street and EMTs were pulling up at the corner. So there was nothing more I could actually professionally do for them but pray for them.”

He said he doesn’t know much about the son except that he’s been living there for at least two years.

Both woman were taken to St. Barnabas in stable condition.

“To see my tenant, which is one of my best tenants, put into such despair, I don’t know how to react,” he said.

“I haven’t digested it yet. I haven’t been able to process it yet. This is still not even 48 hours old. I’m trying to pray for her and hope she’s well, both of them.”

Both women were taken to St. Barnabas in stable condition.
Babcia dostaje wciry
Dyngus • 2023-09-07, 13:42
60-latka dostaje ponad 50 razy własną laską na stacji metra "Harlem" w NY.
Nie wiadomo jaka była geneza konfliktu.

Najlepszy komentarz (43 piw)
tajfunkanalia • 2023-09-07, 13:54
Jaka babcia, jak to małpa jest. Babcia to gotuje i chodzi do kościoła a nie straszy ludzi małpim pyskiem.
Z łokcia w ryj
Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-08-25, 14:21
Tak się bawią Kolumbijczycy w nowojorskim metrze.
Najlepszy komentarz (26 piw)
PanFajek • 2023-08-25, 15:28
Kamerzysta zasługuje na chuja w dupę. Zrobiłby dwa kroki do tyłu, miałby ładny kadr, niebezpieczeństwo dostania przypadkowego strzału też by zostało zniwelowane. Ale nie. Musi kręcić się jak gówno w przeręblu nie wiadomo po co.
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