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19letnia nożowniczka
trytodie • 2024-06-19, 18:29
Voskresensk, obwód moskiewski, 19-letnia dziewczyna chwyciła nóż z lady i zaatakowała klientów, poinformowała służba prasowa obwodu moskiewskiego departamentu Komitetu Śledczego.

Motywy dziewczyny nie zostały jeszcze ustalone. Nie udało jej się nikogo zranić - jeszcze przed przybyciem policji dziewczyna została obezwładniona.

Najlepszy komentarz (27 piw)
Lam3rZ • 2024-06-19, 21:14
bylbym ciekaw jak by "zawodowe" kobiety policjantki, z jakiegokolwiek lewackiego kraju, zareagowaly tym przypadku... a Tu zwykli faceci obezwladnili ja w pol minuty i to jeszcze w klapkach...
Według źródła wcześniej zaatakowana nożem 2 kobiety. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
LAKE FOREST, Calif. - The Orange County Sheriff's Department released body camera footage from an August shooting, in which deputies shot at a man accused of stabbing two women in a Lake Forest apartment complex.

It happened back on Aug. 20. Officials were called out to an apartment in the 21000 block of Osterman Road just after 12:15 p.m., after a caller told dispatch that they saw a woman who had been stabbed.

When deputies got there, they found the woman with stab wounds, and said that another woman, the first victim's sister, and the suspect, believed to be the two women's brother, were back in the apartment.

"With another possible victim inside the apartment, deputies decided to make entry," said OCSD Sheriff Michael Woodroof in a video press release. "Deputies encountered the suspect inside the apartment and gave commands for the suspect to drop the knife. The suspect did not comply with the deputies' commands."

Body camera footage shared in the release showed footage from two deputies. Deputies opened the apartment door, and shot at the suspect on the other side of the entrance hallway seconds later. Screenshots from the video appear to show the man with something in his hands, which the OCSD said was a knife. The department also shared photos of two knives — a folding pocket knife and a chef's knife — recovered from the suspect.

The man was then handcuffed while deputies gave him first aid. Other deputies clearing the apartment found the other woman in the apartment bathroom. She had been stabbed multiple times and was pronounced dead at the scene.

The suspect was brought to the hospital and arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder. The first sister is expected to survive.

Neither the victims or the suspect were identified in Tuesday's press release. The full release can be found here.
Brazylijska wojowniczka
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-09-19, 1:33
Dla odmiany tym razem wściekła brazylijska locha odpierdala tarło z nożem.
Najlepszy komentarz (24 piw)
programista4k • 2021-09-19, 1:36
dobrze, że urodziłem się w kraju 2 świata a nie 3. Polacy to jednak normalni są przy Brazylijczykach.