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Baseballowy mistrz
s................a • 2011-08-10, 1:36
Takie sobie, odbijanie.

Najlepszy komentarz (78 piw)
deniZ • 2011-08-10, 8:20
Les Debiles czyli tez mozesz ogladac
Niemcy nie niegocjują z piratami
R................g • 2010-05-01, 10:12
Kochana Somalia


The Dutch navy released a video Friday of its recent storming of a German ship and the capture of a band of pirates on board.

The ship, the MS Taipan, was rescued April 5 by the Dutch, and 10 pirates were arrested and jailed in the Netherlands.

The gripping video shows the operation from the point of view of one of the military men. Dutch naval captain Col. Hans Lodder has said that, after ascertaining that the Taipan's crew was safe, he launched his ship's Lynx helicopter with a team of six special-forces marines. With troops providing covering fire from the helicopter, the marines landed onto the ship's deck of the MV Taipan, meeting no resistance from the pirates.

"The pirates surrendered the moment they saw the marines," Col. Lodder told the Associated Press.

Sprawne stópki
Centurion • 2010-02-23, 13:33
Ciekawe czy innymi piłeczkami (balls) też tak lubi stópkami z gracją poodbijać