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Facebook usunął wpis Debbie Schlussel o Polakach
C................1 • 2012-06-21, 0:52
I grozi jej zablokowaniem konta. . I jeszcze prosi o pomoc

I need your help. I need you to contact Facebook and tell them that censorship by a mob of anti-Semites is not okay. It’s official: if enough anti-Semitic Poles and Muslims whine to Facebook, it will automatically censor out legitimate viewpoints and remove material regarding news stories and facts. Today, I received notice from Facebook that I am blocked for a day and may be removed. The notice also informed me that Facebook removed my column about Polish complicity in the Holocaust, even though Polish complicity in the Holocaust is a much-documented fact. But Jew-haters who posted death threats and the most obscene, anti-Semitic comments on my Facebook fan page have not been blocked by Facebook, their Jew-hating comments not removed, except by me. And then, to add insult to injury, Facebook responded to their empty complaints and Jew-hating attempts at censorship and removed links to my column. Yup, even though the Holocaust is supposed to be over, the cyberpogroms of the Jew-haters continue to succeed, with Facebook’s active complicity. Further, Facebook informed me that since this is “the second time” Facebook removed my material in response to the whines of the mobs, I may be blocked permanently from Facebook. The first time, a week or two ago, Facebook removed my link to a post about a Palestinian Muslim who kidnapped his children from Kansas City to HAMAS Gaza, despite the fact that we know most of these people kidnapping their kids to foreign lands are Muslim. Even though the story is completely true (it was reported by AP and local newspapers and the man has been indicted), Facebook removed the story because enough Muslims whined. On that same day, Facebook notified me that I’ve abused my Facebook e-mail account and used it to harass and abuse people, which is funny since I almost never use my FB e-mail account, and when I do, it’s to delivery mundane quick answers to people who contact me using FB e-mail. While I cannot post the truth about Polish complicity in the Holocaust because apparently it “violates” FB community standards, the hundreds of “I Hate Israel” groups all over Facebook remain and apparently are okay. And today, my Facebook fan page is covered in disgusting anti-Semitic messages, comments, and death threats left by Muslims because I dared write about boy band “One Direction” member Zayn Malik’s attempt to proselytize fans to Islam. None of those who left these abusive, violent, threatening, anti-Semitic comments have been blocked by Facebook, even though most of them clearly violate Facebook’s community standards.

But I’m blocked because Facebook simply can’t be bothered with facts and has a different standard for anti-Semites than for the rest of us. This isn’t the first time I’ve been censored and blocked by Facebook. In 2010, Facebook suspended my account for political reasons, but reinstated me because you, my dear readers, complained. I have submitted an appeal and a press inquiry, and we’ll see if they respond. But, in the meantime, I hope you’ll e-mail Facebook: press@fb.com and appeals@facebook.com and ask why they censor those who tell the truth about Polish complicity in the Holocaust or the pending Islamic threat, but allow anti-Semitic groups and threats to remain up and active on Facebook.

Our friends at the JIDF, including JIDF founder David Appletree, have pointed out that several Facebook groups, pages, and accounts have been deactivated by FB because they were pro-Jewish and/or pro-Israel, including several JIDF groups. And Facebook took down the “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” Page, pandering to violent Muslims. Facebook, last year, suspended “The Jews” page, the largest Facebook Jewish page, with oer 250,000. The pages are still up, but the people who run it cannot post anything. Facebook gave no reason for this, but the last post on the page was critical of Barack Obama. As JIDF Founder Appletree says, “They selectively and subjectively ‘enforce’ their terms of service however they see fit. Their terms of service enforcement is entirely inconsistent.”

As the JIDF pointed out, Randi Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg’s sister who used to head up Facebook’s marketing, has already threatened on Twitter that since she didn’t like a particular bar, its Facebook page might be “accidentally” deleted. Here is the tweet:

Najlepszy komentarz (51 piw)
Black271 • 2012-06-21, 1:11
Ten Debil Szyszel to by w ogóle nie istniał, gdyby w jakiś sposób jej dziadkowie nie uratowali się z Holokaustu. A uratowali się bardzo prawdopodobnie dzięki Polakom. Więc podejrzewam, że jej postawa jest wynikiem:

a. Post pokoleniowego żalu, że dziadkowie nie zdążyli spakować kamienic ze sobą w wędrówce za morze
b. Bycia debilką ze zlasowanym mózgiem

Gdzie obie opcje są równie prawdopodobne . Jakoś jej postawa przypomina mi Erikę Steinbach, która ma pretensję do nas o to, że tereny zdobyte podczas II WŚ przez Niemców po wojnie zostały im odebrane. Doprawdy dziejowa niegodziwość Polaków boo-hoo