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...przez psa. Według źródła trafił do szpitala z ranami szarpanymi twarzy i kończyn. Źródło.

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While passing by a neighbor’s house, two young children in Luong Vuong commune (Tuyen Quang city) were suddenly attacked by a dog. At this time, one child was able to run away, while another was unfortunately bitten by the dog.

On December 19, on social networks, a clip of 1 minute 51 seconds was circulated on social media, recording the terrifying scene when a child was attacked by a fierce dog.

The clip extracted from the camera of a household showed that two young children were standing on the side of the road playing when a large dog suddenly rushed over, pounced on a child, the other child quickly ran away.

At this point, the younger boy fell on his back to the road, while the dog continued to bite the victim. The image from the clip shows that, due to fear and pain, the child who was bitten by a dog cried and cried out pitifully.

Hearing screams and barking dogs, a woman in the house ran out to witness the horror. Next, a man rushed to control the dog and rescue the baby.

Through the reporter’s research, it is known that the area where the incident happened is in village 9, Luong Vuong commune (Tuyen Quang city, Tuyen Quang province). In the morning of the same day, Mr. Tran Dang Quang, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Luong Vuong Commune (Tuyen Quang City) said that the incident happened at about 10 am on December 18, the child bitten by the dog was T.D.P. (2 years old, living in village 9, Luong Vuong commune, Tuyen Quang city), P. is currently being treated at the General Hospital of Tuyen Quang province, his health is stable.

Information from Tuyen Quang Provincial General Hospital said that on December 18, the hospital received 2 consecutive pediatric patients with T.D.P. (2 years old, living in hamlet 9, Luong Vuong commune, Tuyen Quang city – the baby in the clip) and TK (7 years old, living in Level Tien, Son Duong, Tuyen Quang) came to the emergency room, in a state of many wounds. Complex open lesions of the head and face and other lesions of the lower body.

The family of two children said that baby P. and baby K. were both accidentally bitten by a neighbor’s dog. After the incident, the family took the children to Tuyen Quang General Hospital for emergency treatment.

Immediately upon admission, the emergency crew examined and administered rabies vaccines to the pediatric patients, performed emergency tests and indicated immediate surgery.

Excellent doctor, Dr. CKII Nguyen Thu Huong of Provincial General Hospital, head of the surgical team, said that both pediatric patients were admitted to the hospital in a state of complicated injuries to the head, arms, hands, and face. other parts, are indicated for emergency surgery.

The doctors performed anesthesia, hemostasis, cleaning and excision of soft wounds, damaged areas, irrigation and wound restoration for the pediatric patients.
Najlepszy komentarz (22 piw)
squach • 2021-12-23, 11:03
Kurwa od razu brecha i przez łeb najpierw psu, później właścicielowi za niedokarmianie i brak wychowania. Ile to razy miałem do czynienia z takimi kundlami. Stoję nieruchomo, żeby nie zaatakował, a obróć się tylko plecami. Na szczęście tu przydaje się dobry cel z buta w kinol kundla, pozamiatane.