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Polishadam28 miał wypadek
FrasQs • 2013-07-28, 17:54
Zapewne pamiętacie Polishadama28 który groził żonie shoguna (ten też ma nieźle najebane w głowie) okazało sie że ulubieniec niektórych Polaków na yt miał wypadek.

Tractor-trailer driver and his passenger were airlifted to a Tennessee hospital on Monday afternoon following a wreck on Kent’s Lane in Wytheville. According to Sgt. D.M. Reece, 32-year-old Adam Swieciaszek of Scranton, Pa., was leaving Progress Park with a load of bottle forms when he exceeded the safe speed in a curve and lost control of the truck, which overturned in a ditch. The driver and a female passenger were both airlifted from the scene, but Reece didn’t know the extent of their injuries. The crash remains under investigation and no charges have been placed
Najlepszy komentarz (93 piw)
B................S • 2013-07-28, 19:43
Pewnie mafia z jutuba zaciera slady