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...i zapierdolił w dwa radiowozy zanim go złapali. Dziadek wyemigrował i we wnuczku obudził się polski temperament? Źródło.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
A Camden County man is accused of stealing an Atlantic City police transport van and ramming two patrol cars shortly after he was released from police custody on attempted burglary of a police car.

Video captured by a resident’s surveillance camera shows officers running from their vehicles as the van backed up into the patrol cars as the driver was cornered on North Iowa Avenue.

A concerned citizen first alerted police at about 7:20 p.m. Friday that a man was trying to steal a marked patrol vehicle parked on Atlantic Avenue, Sgt. Paul Aristizabal said.

Officers William Akins and Jarae Langford, who were at the Public Safety Building, saw the man trying to open the locked driver’s side door to the patrol vehicle, and confronted him, according to the report.

Jason Urbaniak admitted that he was trying to steal the vehicle, and was arrested without incident, Aristizabal said.

He was processed on attempted burglary charges and released on a summons at about 10:50 p.m., according to the report.

Urbaniak, 40, then went into the parked Police Department prisoner van, manipulated the ignition to start it and took off, Aristizabal said.

Police communications was immediately notified of the stolen van.

Officer Tyler Daily found the van minutes later in the 200 block of North Iowa Avenue.

Additional responding officers arrived on scene and pulled behind the van, when Urbaniak put it into reverse, accelerating into two marked patrol vehicles, Aristizabal said.

Officer Consuelo Maldonado suffered a minor injury as a result and was taken to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center’s City Campus, where she was treated and released.

Officers are seen in surveillance video running from their vehicles as the van heads toward them.

At least one pulled their firearm. Urbaniak was taken into custody without further incident.

The Blackwood resident is charged with two counts each of aggravated assault on police, attempted aggravated assault on police and assault by auto. He also is charged with theft of a motor vehicle, eluding and criminal attempt burglary.

Urbaniak is in the Atlantic County Justice Facility.

An investigation into how he was able to start the van is underway.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Atlantic City police at 609-347-5858. Information may also be texted anonymously to tip411 (847411), beginning the text with ACPD.

NOTE: The Atlantic County jail does not release mugshots under an order by the former prosecutor.
Według źródła 62-letni Michael Wayne Jackson szedł do swojego fryzjera. Źródło.
Najlepszy komentarz (45 piw)
Krakus36 • 2022-01-05, 15:04
pasów do przejścia nie widziałem na jezdni ani oznakowania czyli idiota mimo sygnałów przechodził w niedozwolonym miejscu... norma w Polsce

maxkulczyk napisał/a:

: sir, sir wake up I go szturcha za ramie
Tepy chuj !! hahaha

Bo tak należy postępować jak ktoś mdleje lub zemdlał pierwsze próbujesz bodźcami go otrząsnąć i wybudzić... ale jesteś za tępy by to zrozumieć więc wolisz wyzywać dobrze postępującego funkcjonariusza ;P