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Mąż nagrał śmierć żony
xgregor • 2013-07-31, 3:28

BEIRUT: A disturbing video of a husband filming his wife tumbling to her death in the Lebanese capital over the weekend caused a stir in the country after being posted on several social media websites.


“What is wrong with you Amouna? Is there anything you want to say ... Please my love, your mom does not deserve this. Let’s say you are unhappy with me, forget me, [think of your mom],” the husband could be heard saying in the video.

After uttering an inaudible response, Ismael can been seen moving off the ledge of the balcony with her husband screaming “my love” over and over

Najlepszy komentarz (48 piw)
~Velture • 2013-07-31, 5:21
Pewnie ją napierdalał codziennie jak każdy szanujący się kozojeb a teraz zdziwko ,że wolała się zabić niż dalej to znosić.