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Flodzia • 2021-11-16, 9:59

Potrzaskał piwko. Porażka.
...i przewróciła się na samochód w Ekwadorze.

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The fact occurred on the Perimetral Road of Guayaquil. Apparently the trailer presented a mechanical failure, so it climbed to the ground floor to avoid crashing into cars expecting a change in light at the traffic light, but in the sinister the minor perished. Following the impact, the container left the body and fell on a car.
Węgierscy cyganie
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-15, 15:30
Szyba rozjebana ale nie ma opisu za co więc jak ktoś rozumie cygański to niech przetłumaczy
Najlepszy komentarz (28 piw)
baronturbina • 2021-11-15, 15:49
Brzydzę się tymi podludźmi, złodziejami i nierobami! Nazwanie ich zwierzętami obraża, wszystkie żyjące zwierzęta i nawet BLM. Powinny być legalne polowania na to.

Gibraltarski road rage
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-15, 14:40
Takie akcje na Gibraltarze pewnie za często się nie zdarzają.

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A fight outside the Bahia Bar at Waterport Roundabout on Saturday evening saw a man flung into the air after being hit by a speeding car, as well as what the Royal Gibraltar Police have described as “assaults” and “violent behaviour”.

In a statement, the RGP say officers were immediately deployed to the scene, with two people requiring hospital attention. They add within an hour of the start of the incident, at least five arrests had been made.

A video circulated on social media showed the moment at which the man was struck by the car, as well as a chair being thrown at another car. Further videos showed arrests in the area of Harbour Views Estate.

The RGP say they would be grateful for any additional videos or photos to be forwarded to them on police.gi. They also ask any eyewitnesses to contact New Mole House Police Station on 200 72500.

The Commissioner of the RGP says he wants to reassure the community that as soon as the incident was reported to the police, Gold Commander, Superintendent Romero, took strategic command of the police response. Richard Ullger adds this disorder in Gibraltar “will not be tolerated”, and that he will use “all the resources available” to bring those responsible to justice.
Rozpierdol na Hawajach
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-11-15, 14:24
Takie akcje w Honolulu proszę państwa

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Witness video showed sparks flying out from under a vehicle moments before a crash in Waikiki early Sunday.

Honolulu police said it happened around 12:15 a.m.

Emergency crews were called out to the scene along Ala Wai Boulevard near Lipe’epe’e Street.

The vehicle was seen zooming down the road before crashing into vehicles parked along the shoulder. During the entire ordeal, HPD confirmed 17 vehicles total had been damaged.

Authorities say only one person was injured, the 34-year-old man driving the vehicle. He suffered minor injuries and was taken to a hospital for further treatment.

Police believe the driver may have been drunk.

Police have opened a DUI investigation along with a damaged vehicles case. At last check Sunday afternoon, the investigation was ongoing and the suspect hadn’t yet been taken into police custody.
Chiński rowerzysta trafiony na przejściu dla pieszych.

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Recently, in Deyang, Sichuan, a driver drove a trolley without slowing down before a zebra crossing and collided with a bicycle passing through the road. The rider was hit and injured on the spot. Fortunately, his life was not in danger. The traffic police determined that the driver of the car Zengmou passed the crosswalk and did not slow down to observe the accident and bear full responsibility.
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery, pomimo tego iż na całej stronie mamy oznaczenie że strona jest przeznaczona wyłącznie dla użytkowników pełnoletnich. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 18.

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