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Więzienie w Czile
CrazyEdek • 2022-10-29, 7:24
Do cel chuje.

Najlepszy komentarz (31 piw)
kaczmarzgr • 2022-10-29, 8:51
Jeśli chodzi o wieziennictwo to takie Chile, Meksyk czy Brazylia powinny być przykładem dla całego świata. Więźniowe faktycznie odbywają tam karę, a nie idą na wakacje z darmową siłownią, TV i spacerkami. Tak być powinno. Zamiast dwóch lat odsiadki, sąd mógłby skazywać na rok wpierdolu. Czuję, że to by zadziałało
Ja tylko pociągnął
~_Yarko_ • 2022-10-20, 5:05
Policjant postrzeli sprzedawcę.

Najlepszy komentarz (44 piw)
kaelem • 2022-10-20, 5:47
Za kierowanie nawet rozładowanie broni w kierunku ludzi, polubownie należy się oklep ryja, no ale to świat turdzbanów.
CI zabawni hindusi...
Halman • 2022-06-01, 6:35

strażnik czegoś tam usnął opierając sie o służbowy karabin...
Według źródła tak właśnie wygląda typowy dzień morderców osadzonych w więzieniu w Salwadorze.
Najlepszy komentarz (70 piw)
Fx12 • 2022-03-30, 10:17
Puczysta napisał/a:

Zwyrole są pilnowani przez zwyroli. Widząc pokorne zachowanie więźniów, ci to muszą być młóceni, gwałceni i torturowani przez strażników.

Ale tak właśnie winno wyglądać więzienie (dodatkowo 8-10h dziennie ciężkiej fizycznej pracy pozwalającej na pokrycie własnego utrzymania, byt instytucji oraz zadośćuczynienie dla ofiar). Tak winny wyglądać zakłady penitencjarne dla największych zwyroli, a nie te nasze sanatoria z pozwami do Strasburga że on nie miał 4m2 przestrzeni a pad z playstation był zepsuty. Brejvik najlepszym przykładem...
...po tym jak użyli nadmiernej siły i przekroczyli swoje uprawnienia w więzieniu w Filadelfii.

ukryta treść
District Attorney Larry Krasner announced two Philadelphia corrections officers have been charged with felony aggravated assault following the violent beating of an incarcerated individual that occurred last summer and was captured on surveillance video.

The District Attorney’s Office (DAO) Special Investigations Unit (SIU) on Wednesday arrested and charged the two Department of Prisons officers, Jean Castor (DOB: 3/10/1967) and Terrel Felts (DOB: 9/29/1989), with Aggravated Assault (F1), Simple Assault (M2), Recklessly Endangering Another Person (M2), and Official Oppression (M2). The officers are alleged to have violently punched, kicked, and beaten an incarcerated individual, causing serious bodily injury, at Curran-Fromhold Correction Facility on July 16th.

Castor is also alleged to have used a Department of Prisons-issued handheld radio to strike the victim on the head, for which he faces an additional charge of Possessing an Instrument of Crime (M1). While the altercation began when an incarcerated person struck Castor, it ended in an unjustified beating that continued well after all threats from inmates had been neutralized. Video of the incident shows several other corrections officers attempting to intervene and break up the altercation, at times pulling the defendants — still kicking or punching — away from the victim as he lay prone on the ground.

“At a time when we have far more questions than answers about unsafe conditions and staffing levels in Philadelphia jails, this incident should disturb all of our consciences. People who staff and secure jails deserve safe and healthy working conditions, and should be expected to perform their duties with integrity. The Eighth and Fourteenth Amendment rights of incarcerated people must also be honored for our criminal justice system to have legitimacy,” DA Krasner said. “I want to thank our Special Investigations Unit for holding these two corrections officers accountable and seeking some measure of justice for the victim of this assault. I will continue to press for answers from our justice system partners, because authority to remove people from their communities and to hold them in our custody must be wielded responsibly and accountability.”
Najlepszy komentarz (23 piw)
pablohasan • 2022-02-24, 15:47
Za co zawieszeni?

golu napisał/a:

oby te szmaty w mundurkach wsadzili do tego samego kicia

Co ty pierdolisz? Najebali jakichś skazańców. Pewnie za pyskówę i niewykonywanie poleceń, Dobrze zrobili. Piwo dla nich!
...podczas próby zdjęcia odcisków palców w Miami.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Surveillance video shows a man punching a police officer unconscious on Tuesday in a room at the Miami-Dade Police Department headquarters in Doral.

The officer took Nestor Rodriguez to a room to fingerprint him. The video shows Rodriguez, 32, outpowered the officer. A department employee heard the noise, opened the door to investigate, and intervened.

Detective Alvaro Zabaleta, a spokesman for the department, said the officer was treated at the hospital and was back home recovering on Wednesday.

“Fortunately, a forensics civilian comes in and they are able to restrain him, but he begins to fight again,” Zabaleta said.

Rodriguez was detained after receiving a report about a threatening man who was armed with a knife in southwest Miami-Dade. He was armed with an 8-inch knife and refused to answer questions, police said.

Director Freddy Ramirez was outraged after learning the officer suffered lacerations to his face, according to Zabaleta. He related it to the video showing a man recently punching a uniformed Miami-Dade police officer at Miami International Airport.

“The continued violence against our law enforcement officers is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We must come together as one to protect our community and our police officers from those that choose to engage in vicious acts,” Ramirez said in a statement.

Rodriguez remains in custody but had yet to face charges on Wednesday evening.
Rosyjskie więzienie
Jesse.Pinkman • 2021-12-20, 21:17
U nas kurwa wczasy z telewizorem a tam wpierdol i wypad przez okno. Krasnojarsk.

Oryginalny opis:
ukryta treść
Gulagu.No sends the FSIN of Russia another hello and publishes a video with the next torture in the colonies. This time not Saratov, but Krasnoyarsk. One prisoner is raped, another is thrown out of the window.

There is still a lot of content ahead from different regions. A week ago, 200 gigabytes of video recordings were removed from the country.

By the way, yesterday a bill was introduced to the State Duma on the deprivation of government officials for up to 12 years for torture.