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TT4 • 2016-11-21, 23:59
Ku mojej i Waszej uciesze

Opis YT dla leniwych:
ukryta treść

Opublikowany 21.11.2016
This amateur footage, taken by an Arab speaking crewman of a fishing ship, shows the disastrous consequences of the EU's open border policy that permits and encourages the continued scam of illegal African immigrants that deliberately sink their own boats near coast guard vessels to receive a shuttle service to Europe under the disguise of so-called "Syrian refugees". As the African males approach the ship, they capsize their own boats, pretending to be in distress at sea because they assume the ship is equipped to pick up refugees. Is it only after they realize the crew atop the fishing boat is physically unable to provide help in a situation like this that the situation escalates and the Africans start screaming for their life as they drown.

The crew is stunned as they are unable to act and have to watch the migrants drown after they destroyed their own lifeboat. The crew throws ropes and nets, but their efforts are futile.

The only way to help would be individuals of the crew rappelling down to to the sea line, which would most likely result in their own death as the immigrants would drag them down.

The EU politicians and all the Leftists supporting the human traffickers and mass invasion of African males by sea are directly responsible for every single death by drowning. If the EU were to pursue a "NO WAY" policy that denies citizenship to anybody illegally approaching the country b boat, such as Australia has done, Europe could successfully reduce the total amount of illegal immigrants coming by sea to zero.

Najlepszy komentarz (86 piw)
Superfunfel • 2016-11-22, 0:11
A wiecie co się stało? Nic się nie stało