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Dziewczynka wychowana przez małpy
TT4 • 2017-04-07, 21:56
Ośmiolatkę pośród stada małp podobno znalazł policjant na patrolu. Była naga, nie mówiła ani nie chodziła. Policjant z trudem odbił ją ze stada bo małpy z dziewczynką na czele atakowały mężczyznę. Bahraich Indie.


BAHRAICH, India — An 8-year-old Indian girl was found living in a forest with a group of monkeys, the Times of India reports.

The girl, who was discovered by an officer on a routine patrol, could not speak or understand language.

When the officer first tried to rescue her, both she and the apes screeched and attempted to chase him away. The girl was also naked.

Since treatment began two months ago, her condition has improved, according to the DailyMail. She still eats directly from her mouth and walks on her hands and legs together.

“She is still not able to speak, but understands whatever you tell her and even smiles,” said D.K. Singh, chief medical superintendent of the hospital.

Najlepszy komentarz (68 piw)
Ajron94 • 2017-04-07, 22:02
Teraz powinno paść to pytanie: czy ruchała się z gorylem?