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Witaj użytkowniku sadistic.pl,Od czasu naszej pierwszej zrzutki minęło już ponad 7 miesięcy i środki, które na niej pozyskaliśmy wykorzystaliśmy na wymianę i utrzymanie serwerów. Niestety sytaucja związana z niewystarczającą ilością reklam do pokrycia kosztów działania serwisu nie uległa poprawie i w tej chwili możemy się utrzymać przy życiu wyłącznie z wpłat użytkowników.
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Za kasę bukmachera to tylko głupi się narazi.
kaziolord napisał/a:
A ta pizda stoi i nie wie co zrobić.
Na h*j miał ryzykować jak murzyn załatwił za niego czarną robotę?
Czarni rodzą się z bronią łapie i trzema magazynkami amunicji w zapasie, nic dziwnego, że broni przy łbie się nie dyga
Chodziło mi o to że gość powinien wyciągnąć giwere i zastrzelić obu. Ponieważ nie ma niewinnego murzyna.
Malarzowi nie chciało się opisu dodać a mi tłumaczyć.
"20 year old Azar Sulman walked into William Hill bookmakers in Leeds, England brandishing a hand gun and demanding money. The gun was a replica, but the cashier could not have known that and handed the would be robber some cash. Unfortunately for Azar Sulman, there was another man in the store and he was not in a mood for bullshit. 48 year old Martin Richardson is an 18 stone rugby player with a judo brown-belt.
When confronted by the gun wielding, masked robber and requested to get out of his way, father of six Martin Richardson did not comply. Instead, the rugby player tackled the lowlife robber and held him down for 7 minutes until authorities arrived.
Martin Richardson said that after he had noticed the armed robber, he checked to see if there were any obvious accomplices waiting for him outside and realizing that it likely wasn’t the case, he blocked the door with his huge body. Staring down the barrel of a gun, not having any indication if it was real or not, he didn’t give in to the robber’s threats that he would shoot him if he did not open the door and instead grabbed at the chair and launched a counter attack.
This wasn’t the first time the robber, whose name Azar Sulman suggests that he or his parents immigrated from who knows where, raided a bookmakers. In fact, this was his fourth raid on the chain and the third on the same shop.
CCTV video of the robbery and the tackle is below. Maximum props to Martin Richardson. There aren’t many people out there brave enough to confront a robber, let alone a robber with a replica nigh indistinguishable from a real gun"
"20 year old Azar Sulman walked into William Hill bookmakers in Leeds, England brandishing a hand gun and demanding money. The gun was a replica, but the cashier could not have known that and handed the would be robber some cash. Unfortunately for Azar Sulman, there was another man in the store and he was not in a mood for bullshit. 48 year old Martin Richardson is an 18 stone rugby player with a judo brown-belt.
When confronted by the gun wielding, masked robber and requested to get out of his way, father of six Martin Richardson did not comply. Instead, the rugby player tackled the lowlife robber and held him down for 7 minutes until authorities arrived.
Martin Richardson said that after he had noticed the armed robber, he checked to see if there were any obvious accomplices waiting for him outside and realizing that it likely wasn’t the case, he blocked the door with his huge body. Staring down the barrel of a gun, not having any indication if it was real or not, he didn’t give in to the robber’s threats that he would shoot him if he did not open the door and instead grabbed at the chair and launched a counter attack.
This wasn’t the first time the robber, whose name Azar Sulman suggests that he or his parents immigrated from who knows where, raided a bookmakers. In fact, this was his fourth raid on the chain and the third on the same shop.
CCTV video of the robbery and the tackle is below. Maximum props to Martin Richardson. There aren’t many people out there brave enough to confront a robber, let alone a robber with a replica nigh indistinguishable from a real gun"
Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych
materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony
oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.
Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:
Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów
Jeśli chcesz wyłączyć to oznaczenie zaznacz poniższą zgodę:
Oświadczam iż jestem osobą pełnoletnią i wyrażam zgodę na nie oznaczanie poszczególnych materiałów symbolami kategorii wiekowych na odtwarzaczu filmów