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Jesse.Pinkman • 2023-08-22, 12:00
Policjanci z Nowego Meksyku uspokoili awanturnika na oczach jego dziewczyny.

ukryta treść
Newly released video footage and police reports offer more details in an incident that resulted in the July 24 shooting of an armed man by a state police officer outside a Tesuque residence.

Galen Mason-Muller of Algodones faces two charges of aggravated assault on a peace officer and a charge of aggravated burglary.

State police have not yet released the name of the officer who shot Mason-Muller, 23. A news release issued by the agency in the days after the incident said the officer’s identity would not be released until interviews with those involved were completed.

The officer was placed on administrative leave.

Mason-Muller’s girlfriend made a call for a welfare check after the two had been arguing. She told dispatchers he was going to her house on N.M. 529 “to kill himself or hurt someone,” a report from the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office states.

Warning: This video contains graphic scenes of an officer-involved shooting. Viewer discretion is advised.

His girlfriend’s mother testified in a Tuesday hearing the suspect had chased her through her house, grabbing at her. She called it “unbelievable” and said she was worried for her daughter.

Dash camera footage from a Santa Fe County deputy shows the tense scene that unfolded between law enforcement officials and Mason-Muller outside the home for about 20 minutes before he was shot.

A deputy arrived at the scene to find Mason-Muller standing near the residence on the opposite side of a short stucco wall that covered his hands and lower body from view, the video shows. Mason-Muller’s girlfriend can be seen kneeling on the driveway several feet away, facing him with her hands together in a pleading gesture.

For several minutes, officers and deputies asked for Mason-Muller’s name and ordered him to show his hands, but he remained behind the wall. Mason-Muller yelled out to the officers, but his voice cannot be heard in the video. Officers said in reports that Mason-Muller was telling them to shoot him.

After he walked out from behind the stucco wall, officers noted an apparent tan-colored gun in Mason-Muller’s left hand. They repeatedly yelled for Mason-Muller to drop the object as he slowly walked to the driveway, closer to where his girlfriend was sitting.

About 20 minutes into the standoff, at least one state police officer fired at Mason-Muller, sending him to the ground.

A deputy reported hearing two shots from state police officers.

Mason-Muller’s gun did not fire, officers testified.

A supplemental report filed by a deputy who was at the scene described Mason-Muller as holding his gun in a “low ready” position. State police Officer James George Tremann also testified during a Tuesday preliminary hearing in District Court he had seen Mason-Muller hold the gun in the “low ready” position.

Tremann described the position as indicating “person establishing a stronger base” and demonstrated it by holding both hands together just above waist level. “He took a stronger firing stance more than once,” Tremann said of Mason-Muller.

After Mason-Muller was shot, his girlfriend started toward his body when a deputy yelled to her to get away.

Mason-Muller was transported to Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center, in the custody of two deputies, following the shooting, according to reports from the agency.

Mason-Muller appeared on a video conference call for a preliminary hearing Tuesday from a hospital bed, but was unable to testify. The hearing was continued to later this month.

Attorney Dan Marlowe, who is representing Mason-Muller, said his client suffered a gunshot wound to his right arm.

“It looks to me like they weren’t trying to kill him,” Marlowe said, adding Mason-Muller was “in serious pain” from the injury.

Marlowe said Mason-Muller was “not a violent guy, but he’s got some mental problems.”
Zulu-Gula 2023-08-22, 13:51
Ale Meksyk w tym Nowym Meksyku, taki amerykański.
JanJankowski 2023-08-22, 15:09 5
Zabili chorego umysłowo.
Carnage666 2023-08-22, 16:07 5
JanJankowski napisał/a:

Zabili chorego umysłowo.

Kogo zabili ? Bo na pewno nie świra mierzącego do nich z broni. Ten dostał HUMANITARNIE dwie kule w ramię. Czytaj opis zanim zaczniesz pierdolić bzdury.
disko 2023-08-22, 16:17 1
Syndrom Sztokholmski sie już prawie włączył tej lasce, już chciała go bronić.
Pietrushka 2023-08-22, 16:34
Dwa celne strzały xDDD Zawsze ja takich "filmikach" słychać "jeb jeb jeb jeb jeb jeb jeb jeb jeb" z kilku broni
Ciekawe czy pochodzenie etniczne sprawcy może mieć wpływ na przyswajalność ołowiu xD
freddy.krueger 2023-08-22, 17:08 1
Ja się pytam czemu nie w ten pusty łeb ...
Pie-sse 2023-08-22, 20:29 1
A potem pluton egzekucyjny do trupa idzie
maddog77 2023-08-22, 23:08 2
Taka ciekawostka..ci w granatowych mundurach to policja stanowa a ten w khaki w z biura szeryfa.
saganov 2023-08-22, 23:27 2
Najlepszy ten grubasek co idzie jako piąty, idzie i kolegom w dupy celuje. Jak były wykłady z bezpiecznej obsługi broni to w McDonalds siedział
bobro 2023-08-22, 23:29
Baba już chciała ratować swojego łobuza. Ta płeć jest pojebana
Bul_od_bytu 2023-08-23, 23:19
freddy.krueger napisał/a:

Ja się pytam czemu nie w ten pusty łeb ...

Z opisu wynika, że to żaden bandzior czy agresor tylko facet, który ma jakieś problemy psychiczne i to nagranie to finał 20 minutowych negocjacji i próśb policji żeby rzucił broń.
Prawnik tego gościa powiedział, że wyraźnie policja nie strzelała żeby go zabić bo dostał kulkę w ramię. Nie śmiertelne, ale bardzo bolesne trafienie bo nie dali rady go przesłuchać na jakiś teamsach czy innym zoomie jak już go poskładali w szpitalu.
Jakby wymierzył broń w policjantów to zrobiliby z niego durszlak więc można powiedzieć, że policja użyła siły by bezpiecznie rozbroić sytuację.
Nie każdy zasługuje na kulkę w łeb. No może nie od razu W chałupie kobita i teściowa, która wezwała policję więc gościowi mogło coś odjebać