Postanowiłem popisać sobie dzisiaj na Omegle.com, moim celem było znalezienie jakiegokolwiek rodzaju rasisty
. Udało mi się trafić na Brytyjczyka. A oto i frag. rozmowy:
You: hi, are you racist?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: yeah i hate polish people
You: rly?
Stranger: yeah
You: that's great!
Stranger: come over here, taking our jobs
You: true
You: they are so mean
Stranger: so ugly too
Stranger: i wouldnt mind if they brightened up the place
You: maybe, let's kick their asses!
Stranger: yeah kick em out
Stranger: who do you hate?
You: britains
You: taking our jobs and things like that
Stranger: yeah damn brits
Stranger: hate them
You: yeah
Stranger: where you from?
You: hate them too
You: i'm form poland
You: fuck poland
You: i hate it
Stranger: yeah fuck it
You: where are You from?
Stranger: britain
Stranger: fuck britain
You: damn!
You: yeah, fuck it as much as we can
Stranger: fuck it hard
You: i love being racist
You: it's so exciting
Stranger: how can something so wrong, feel so right
You: people are strange
You: so do I
You: well, bye, i have to go out and kick those polish bastards
Stranger: me too
Stranger: we'll do it together

You: hi, are you racist?
Stranger: hey
Stranger: yeah i hate polish people
You: rly?
Stranger: yeah
You: that's great!
Stranger: come over here, taking our jobs
You: true
You: they are so mean
Stranger: so ugly too
Stranger: i wouldnt mind if they brightened up the place
You: maybe, let's kick their asses!
Stranger: yeah kick em out
Stranger: who do you hate?
You: britains
You: taking our jobs and things like that
Stranger: yeah damn brits
Stranger: hate them
You: yeah
Stranger: where you from?
You: hate them too
You: i'm form poland
You: fuck poland
You: i hate it
Stranger: yeah fuck it
You: where are You from?
Stranger: britain
Stranger: fuck britain
You: damn!
You: yeah, fuck it as much as we can
Stranger: fuck it hard
You: i love being racist
You: it's so exciting
Stranger: how can something so wrong, feel so right
You: people are strange
You: so do I
You: well, bye, i have to go out and kick those polish bastards
Stranger: me too
Stranger: we'll do it together