Prosze grubasy z coda i bfa lista osiagnieć naszej polskiej drużyny z tej "jebanej pixelozy" jak to mowicie. Mało?
A gdzie wasz cod i bf?
1st place: Wielki Turniej Majowy - Wrocław - SpecSter 2S
4th place: PG Challenge Czechy - 2S SpecSter
5th place: Ryga - SpecSter - 2S SpecSter
1st place: WCG Poland 2003 - 2S SpecSter
1st place: Kielce - Targi komputerowe - 2S SpecSter
1st place: CS.PL & Plantronics Cup - 2S SpecSter
1st place: Poznań Game Arena 2004 - Pentagram * ConneXion
1st place: Warsaw Games Day - Pentagram * ConneXion
1st place: WCG Polska 2004 - CNN -Pentagram * ConneXion
1st place: FF & ZiP Conquest - CNN - Pentagram * ConneXion
1st place: Warsaw Games Day #2 - CNN - Pentagram * ConneXion
1st place: ClanBase CS Challange 2004 - Pentagram ConneXion
1st place: Invex Euro Cyber Cup 2004 - Pentagram ConneXion
1st place: Lehnitz-Lan Berlin 2004 - Pentagram ConneXion
1st place: LAN4FUN 6 - CNN - Pentagram * ConneXion
1st place: WCG Polska 2005 - CNN - Pentagram * ConneXion
1st place: Eliminacje - Heyah Cybersport Profi - Team Pentagram
1st place: Heyah Cybersport 2005 - Team Pentagram
1st place: Samsung European Chapmionship 2005 : Team Pentagram
1st place: Invex Euro Cyber Cup 2005 - Team Pentagram
1st place: Clanbase Eurocup X 2005 - Team Pentagram
1st place: ESWC Polska 2006 - Team Pentagram
1st place: Gry-ONLINE CS Lato - Team Pentagram
1st place: Heyah Logitech Cybersport 2006 - Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: Poznań Game Arena 2006 : Pentagram G-Shock
3rd place: CPL Dallas USA - Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: WCG 2006 Monza Włochy: Pentagram Gaming
2nd place: Samsung European Championship 2006 - Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: AlleGra 2007: Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: ESWC Polska 2007: Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: WCG Polska 2007: Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: Heyah Logitech Cybersport 2007 : Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: Poznań Game Arena 2007: Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: WSVG Londyn 2007 - PGS Gaming
2nd place: shgOpen 2007 - PGS Gaming
2nd place: Samsung European Championship 2007 - PGSPokerStrategy
1st place: ESL Extreme Masters 2007 - Pentagram G-Shock
1st place: Electronic Sports World Cup 2007 - PGS Gaming
1st place: KODE5 Polska 2008 : Meet Your Makers
1st place: WCG Polska 2008: Meet Your Makers
1st place: Heyah Logitech Cybersport 2008: Meet Your Makers
2nd place: WCG Samsung European: Meet Your Makers
1st place: Dreamhack Summer 2008: Meet Your Makers
2nd place: ESWC 2008: Meet Your Makers
4th place: Extreme Masters Global Challange - Los Angeles: Meet Your Makers
2nd place: Extreme Masters Global Challange: Meet Your Makers
5th place: World E-sport Masters: Meet Your Makers
3rd place: Dreamhack Winter 2008: Meet Your Makers
3rd place: WGT Dreamhack Winter 2008: Meet Your Makers
1st place: Esl Pro Series Polska: Meet Your Makers
2nd place: IEM Global Challenge Dubai: Meet Your Makers
1st place: Kode5 Polska 2009: AGAiN
1st place: WCG Polska 2009: AGAiN
1st place: World Cyber Games 2009: AGAiN
1st place: Heyah Logitech Cybersport 2009: Vitriolic Gaming
1st place: AlleGra 2009: Vitriolic Gaming
1st place: ESWC Polska 2010: Frag eXecutors
1st place: WCG Polska 2010: Frag eXecutors
1st place: Wielka Gala Cybersport 2010: Frag eXecutors
5th place: The Gathering: Frag eXecutors
4th place: ESWC 2010: Frag eXecutors
2nd place: GameGune 2010: Frag eXecutors
1st place: e-stars Seul: Frag eXecutors
3rd place: WCG 2010: Frag eXecutors
3rd place: World Esports Masters 2010: Frag eXecutors
4th place: Dreamhack Winter 2010: Frag eXecutors
1st place: East Games United 2011: Frag eXecutors
1st place: ESL Pro Series 2011: Frag eXecutors
3rd place: IEM V European Championship: Frag eXecutors
2nd place: IEM V World Championship: Frag eXecutors
2nd place: Intel Challenge SuperCup #7: Frag eXecutors
1st place: Copenhagen Games 2011: Frag eXecutors
3rd place: Intel Challenge SuperCup #8: Frag eXecutors
1st place: ASUS Summer 2011: Frag eXecutors
1st place: e-Stars Seul: Frag eXecutors
1st place: World Cyber Games 2011: AGAiN
5th/8th place: DreamHack Winter 2011: AGAiN
1st place: ESL Pro Series: ESC Gaming
1st place: Intel Extreme Masters 2012: ESC Gaming
1st place: EGP w Kłomicach: ESC Gaming
3rd/4th place: Intel Core Challenge: ESC Gaming
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
3rd/4th place: Dreamhack Summer 2012: ESC Gaming
2nd place: Copenhagen Games CS:GO: ESC Gaming
1st place: StartLadderTV: ESC Gaming