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Dał się zaskoczyć
Jesse.Pinkman • 2022-02-19, 12:00
Dlatego do tego czarnego gówna strzela się bez ostrzeżenia. Źródło.

ukryta treść
PHOENIX (AP) — Police on Thursday released 26 seconds of the body camera footage of last week’s ambush and barricade situation at a Phoenix home that left five patrol officers shot and wounded and four others injured by shrapnel or ricochets.

The brief but graphic footage showed the initial responding police officer walking toward the front door of a home where a woman reportedly had been shot around 2 a.m. last Friday.

As the 23-year-old officer moved closer, he asks the shirtless man in the door who else is in the house.

The officer is heard running frantically from the scene saying “”99! 999! I’ve been shot! 999!” as more gunshots ring out.

Investigators believe the shooter was 36-year-old Morris Richard Jones III and his ex-girlfriend — 29-year-old Shatifa Lobley of Phoenix — was the woman who was shot inside the home in a domestic dispute.

Police said Lobley later died after being taken to a hospital.

The rest of the body-cam footage may be released by next Friday, according to police.

After the initial incident, Lobley’s brother came out the house with a baby and put the child on the porch in a carrier, then walked to police.

But when officers moved in to get the 1-month-old girl, police said Jones opened fire again.

Jones was later found dead in the home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The child of Jones and Lobley was unharmed.

All nine of the police officers injured have been released from the hospital.

Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
DarioLee 2022-02-19, 12:40 38
Do murzynów się nie podchodzi . Do murzynów się strzela bez ostrzeżenia
Puczysta 2022-02-19, 13:35
Właśnie mnie zaskoczyło takie śmiałe podejście tego gliniarza, gdzie na większości nagraniach z kamery funkcjonariuszy. Podchodzą ostrożnie i najczęściej z ganem w ręku. Już ten policjant nie będzie mieć nauczyki.
Blue_falcon 2022-02-19, 13:53 3
Jebani demokraci i ich mudżińskie zwierzęta. Oni powinni mieć tylko jedno prawo, prawo do odstrzału, a nie wyborcze, do edukacji i równego traktowania. Kurła, palić nimi w piecach...
Tobiahus96 2022-02-19, 13:58 1
DarioLee napisał/a:

Do murzynów się nie podchodzi . Do murzynów się strzela bez ostrzeżenia

Przecież to samo jest napisane w opisie, Sherlocku.
pnaj 2022-02-19, 14:25 4

Dalszy ciąg od 1:50

Życiorys bohatera "Morris Richard Jones III":
In 2003, his first child was born.
In 2004, he was sentenced to three years in jail on a stolen vehicle charge and incarcerated in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
In 2005, he was released from Oklahoma Department of Corrections. During a raid on a house later that year, he fled from police officers who saw him ditch a baggie of marijuana.
In 2006, his second child was born. In the same year, he was the victim of a drive-by shooting but he refused to cooperate in the investigation. He fled in vehicles from officers in Tulsa three times that year.
In 2007, a judge sentenced him to 60 months in jail on one charge and 20 months on another.
In 2008, he unsuccessfully asked the court to set aside his convictions. He tried again in 2009 but failed.
In 2012, his third child was born.
In 2014, his fourth child was born. He was released on probation that year. Because of his drug use, he alternated between probation and prison from 2014 to 2016. In 2016, a judge ordered him to prison for four years.
In 2019, he was released from jail.
While living in Phoenix, he was arrested in 2020 on suspicion of transporting three undocumented immigrants from Mexico into the U.S. After pleading guilty to a conspiracy charge, he was given a conditional release pending sentencing. In July 2020, a judge allowed him to travel to Tulsa to celebrate a birthday party there with his four children. In August 2020, he was sentenced to 36 months probation on the smuggling charge.
In May 2021, he tested positive for cocaine. In September 2021, he was sentenced to serve five months in prison followed by three years probation.
In January 2022, his former girlfriend Shatifah Lobley gave birth to their daughter.
On February 11, 2022, Phoenix Police Department officers responded to a house in Phoenix where a woman was reportedly shot. He was inside the house with Lobley, their baby and Lobley’s brother. He exchanged fire with the officers, injuring nine of them. He died from a gunshot wound while Lobley was critically wounded and later died. He died at the age of 36. She was 29. Their baby was not injured.
DarioLee 2022-02-19, 16:13
Tobiahus96 napisał/a:

Przecież to samo jest napisane w opisie, Sherlocku.

ritu4l 2022-02-19, 16:44 3
Puczysta napisał/a:

Właśnie mnie zaskoczyło takie śmiałe podejście tego gliniarza, gdzie na większości nagraniach z kamery funkcjonariuszy. Podchodzą ostrożnie i najczęściej z ganem w ręku. Już ten policjant nie będzie mieć nauczyki.

Młody, niedoświadczony bo 23 letni. Jak wynika z opisu wszyscy funkcjonariusze przeżyli, a typ po zabiciu swojej baby i strzelaninie z policją sam się zabił. Jak policjant wyciągnie z tego lekcję, to jak następnym razem jak zobaczy czarne ścierwo będzie najpierw strzelać później zadawać pytania, czego mu życzę.
Mzimu 2022-02-19, 19:03 1
Gliniarz pomylił zdania, zamiast "show me your hands" krzyknął "who's in the house". Teraz będzie pamiętał.
jozue 2022-02-19, 19:12
Jesse.Pinkman napisał/a:

Dlatego do tego czarnego gówna strzela

nie chcę nic mówić ale brzmi to trochę rasistowsko
ArtoldStolzmannn 2022-02-19, 21:04
Jebany bamboleus
mazga50 2022-02-19, 22:08 5
jozue napisał/a:

nie chcę nic mówić ale brzmi to trochę rasistowsko

Krótki staż na sadolu?
kocur 2022-02-20, 0:13 1
DarioLee napisał/a:

Do murzynów się nie podchodzi . Do murzynów się strzela bez ostrzeżenia

najlepiej oddać kilka strzałów ostrzegawczych w tył głowy, a później rozmawiać lub butować, pałować
lesku73 2022-02-20, 0:16
Znowu człekoczarny osobnik spierdoleł z zoo,znalazł pistolet i zamiast się zastrzelić to strzela do ludzi.
jozue 2022-02-20, 10:04
mazga50 napisał/a:

Krótki staż na sadolu?

Tak, dosyć krótki, ale za to długi w dual anal
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