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Dindu w texasie...
~DMT • 2021-10-07, 2:55
One person is in custody after four people were wounded Wednesday morning in a shooting at Timberview High School in Arlington, Texas, that may have begun with a fight, authorities said. Three people were taken to the hospital, including a 15-year-old boy who underwent surgery and is listed in critical condition, police said. A teenage girl suffered a minor injury and has been released. A 25-year-old man is said to be in good condition. An adult female, who is pregnant, was treated at the school and was not taken to the hospital. Police believe some of the victims were students. Two of them are believed to have been shot. The suspect was identified as student Timothy George Simpkins, 18. Simpkins fled the school after the shooting but turned himself in after obtaining an attorney. He has been charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. A .45 caliber handgun was found in the streets of nearby Grand Prairie that police believe could be the gun used in the shooting.

~mg_schutze 2021-10-07, 5:49 12
Sprawca przystojniaczek dindunuffinu kolor skóry przypadkowy.

Halman 2021-10-07, 8:48 2
mg_schutze napisał/a:

kolor skóry przypadkowy.

nie ma przypadków...
Fx12 2021-10-07, 9:45 3
Uważam że nasi już powinni zacząć pracować nad organizacją ruchu wizowego dla Amerykanów
Kormork 2021-10-07, 10:29 2
Hello hello piękna reakcja osobopostaci-równouprawnionej.
Wiewór 2021-10-07, 12:38 1
Dindu dostanie karuzele na okrągło w takim wieku. Jak mi nie jest przykro.
Adam_WKLADAM 2021-10-07, 14:15 7
Dindu jest niewinny, wszyscy wiemy ze do tego czynu popchnal go bialy, heterosexualny patryjarchat.
Ten biedny, niewinny murzynek z pewnoscial marzyl o studiach i byl o krok od wynalezeinia lekarstwa na raka i corone ale pietno i nacisk rasizmu zmusily go dla zrobienia szczelaniny w szkole.
~mg_schutze 2021-10-08, 5:43
Halman napisał/a:

nie ma przypadków...

Przypadki to są w gramatyce
picolo 2021-10-09, 1:26
Wyobraźcie sobie, że u nas do jakiejś szkoły wjeżdża AT...cała opozycja złzawiona na kolanach w Brukseli...demokracja.