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📌 Wojna na Ukrainie (tylko materiały z opisem) - ostatnia aktualizacja: Dzisiaj 14:15
📌 Konflikt izrealsko-arabski (tylko materiały z opisem) - ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-07-04, 11:38
lokal.szczecin 2024-04-06, 11:43
Treść komentarza został ukryta - użytkownik otrzymał ostrzeżenie za ten wpis.
żmij 2024-04-06, 11:44 1
lokal.szczecin napisał/a:

bylo bylo bylo

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coziro 2024-04-06, 11:47 1
żmij napisał/a:

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guliusz 2024-04-06, 12:03
Czym oni strzelają ? Kulki z moczem ?
żmij 2024-04-06, 12:08
guliusz napisał/a:

Czym oni strzelają ? Kulki z moczem ?

"Bean bags", taka niezabójcza amunicja. Czyli obezwładniająca. Ma formę woreczka z kulkami, piachem albo czymś podobnym.

Man Butchering Wife Tased, Shot With Bean Bags In Argentina

Shocking images were released hours after another bloody femicide that occurred in the Buenos Aires suburbs. Matías Alejandro Guiñazú, alias bone, 43 years old, stabbed his partner, Soledad Ibáñez, 42 years old, to death. After the incident, the murderer flagellated himself and urged the police to shoot him.

The terrible crime occurred on Sunday afternoon at José Martí's home at 500, in the Pompeya neighborhood of Merlo.

The aggressor stabbed his partner after a heated argument that served to warn 911 about the events. Unfortunately, the troops could not prevent the tragedy. The woman had received at least 25 stab wounds.

Upon arrival, the violent man cut himself with the knife used to kill his partner.+

“Throw me, what are you waiting for? “Kill me once and for all,” the femicide shouted, knife in hand. To dissuade him, the police fired rubber bullets and stun guns. That's when the agents managed to arrest the aggressor, who, wounded, was taken into custody to the Héroes de Malvinas hospital, where he remains hospitalized with a reserved prognosis.

A knife used in the attack was seized at the crime scene. The investigation of the case is carried out by UFIyJ No. 12 of Morón, led by María Laura Cristini and Hernán Moyano. The cover is Homicide Aggravated by Relationship and by mediating gender violence, with a planned penalty of life imprisonment.