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Jingle Bombs
Centurion • 2007-12-21, 20:05
Ahmed martwy terrorysta śpiewa talibową kolędę...

Dashing thru the Sand
With bomb straped to my back
I have nasty plan
For Christmas In Iraq

I Got thru checkpoint A
But not thru checkpoint B
That's when i Got shot In ass

Ooooo jingle bombs, jingle bombs
Mind blew up sou see
Where are all those virgins
That Bin Laden promised me

Ooooo jingle bombs, jingle bombs
US soldier shot me dead
The only thing that i have left
Is this towel up on my head

I used to be a man
But every time i cough
Thank to uncle Sam
My nutts keep falling off

My bombing days are done
I need to find some work
Perhaps it Gould be much safer
As 'convinent' store night clerk

Ooooo jingle bombs, jingle bombs
I think i Got screwed
Dont laugh At me
Be cause i dare or
I kill you
hypek 2009-12-27, 14:13 11
Ahmed The Dead Terrorist + święta = kupa śmiechu ^^

Było, ale nie to samo, jedynie podobne