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A matatu driver has gone into hiding after reportedly causing the death of a female attendant at a petrol station in Ruaka, Kiambu County.

Reports indicated that the driver of the bus rammed into the station on Friday, January 21 causing the death of one attendant and injuring another.

CCTV footage shared by the petrol station showed three personal cars waiting to be fuelled. As the attendant was fuelling one of them, the 33-seater bus owned by Ruaka Sacco, crashed into the fuel station pump.

Authorities revealed that the injured attendant was rushed to a nearby hospital where she was treated and later discharged.

The body of the deceased was taken to Kihara Level 4 Hospital mortuary.

Speaking on the incident, the petrol station manager disclosed that the driver of the bus ran away immediately after the crash.

“He fled as most of us were busy trying to avert a bigger tragedy, fire,” he stated.

Investigations were launched to establish what caused the accident but preliminary reports point to brake system failure.

Ruaka Sacco Chairperson Steve Njoro divulged that the driver had not yet responded to their calls or messages, adding that they would help the authorities to track him down.

“We also don't know where he is, however, we shall cooperate with the police since we have his documents and we have already handed them over to the authorities,” Njoro noted.
andrzejrobert75 2022-01-28, 14:26 2
Jeszcze dpfa wypalił na koniec.
Kris891 2022-01-28, 18:13 1
Mogła jeszcze dłużej gapić się na ten autobus zamiast spierdzielać.