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Kill dat nigga!
Everal • 2010-02-15, 12:23
Oglądał ktoś z was plan doskonały? Rozjebała mnie ta gra, wie ktoś może skąd można ją ściągnąć?
Qwertyuiq 2010-02-15, 12:56
What is mistakenly thought to be the title of the Grand Theft Auto parody from the movie Inside Man, which the young black hostage is playing on his PSP. Its real title is "Gangstas iz Genocide". However, this mistake has been made by many credible media outlets, and thus, in the spirit of Urban Dictionary, becomes the true title.

The game involved one black gangsta (the player's character) dressed in the West Coast style of GTA San Andreas driveby shooting another, then finishing him off by stuffing a grenade into his mouth, as the words "Kill Dat Nigga!" appear on the screen.
I'm going to EB to ask them if they have a copy of Kill Dat Nigga!

It's just a joke now, but everyone knows that someone is going to make a game just like Kill Dat Nigga really soon.

źródło: urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kill%20Dat%20Nigga!
przetłumaczone: translate.google.pl/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=pl&ie=UTF-8&...!&sl=en&tl=pl
zavv 2010-02-15, 23:34
z internatu synu, z internatu
Blackdevil 2010-02-16, 22:14
www.darkwarez.pl tam wszystko znajdziesz