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flejtuch 2023-10-31, 12:16
Pewnie zapierdalał na Dębicach albo Kormoranach
Jesse.Pinkman 2023-10-31, 13:31 1
Znalazłem fotki i info, w wielkim skrócie na przejażdżkę wybrały się 2 siostry i ich przyjaciółka, wszystkie zginęły na miejscu.


The three young women who died in a brutal accident in the Western Access aboard a car that hit a toll booth were identified this Monday. They are two sisters and a friend from the Buenos Aires town of Rafael Castillo who came from celebrating "Halloween" at a bowling alley located in Paso del Rey.

The sisters Brisa Kimey López, 19, and Sheila Nair López, 24, died along with Stefanía Abigail Flores, 20, when the white Peugeot 208 in which they were traveling lost control and flew into the air after hitting the guardrail. until it hit a cabin at kilometer 47 of that highway, heading towards the City of Buenos Aires.
The three of them used to be active on their social networks and shared different moments about the parties they attended. On her Instagram account, Sheila had filmed a DJ at the "Space" bowling alley, in the aforementioned city of Moreno's party, where she tagged her friends.

"Jagueando," she wrote in the recording along with an emoji of the Chinese flag, in the place where they celebrated the "Halloween" party. The story was later reposted by Stefanía.

The accident occurred after 6:45 a.m. this Sunday, and as the surveillance cameras at the scene show, no other vehicles were involved. At the time of the accident, investigation sources indicated that Flores was the one driving.
The 20-year-old also used to share photos and videos of different outings that she took with her friends. From time to time, she showed her fanaticism for cars by uploading photos of sports models on her digital platforms.

Until now, the reasons why the accident occurred are unknown. It has not yet been determined what speed the car was traveling at, but investigators estimate that it must have been "high", and the cause of the accident could have been the wet road, caused by the rains.
How was the crash
Security cameras in the area captured the moment of the incident. In the images you can see how the white Peugeot loses control, first hitting the guardrail and then flying 30 meters into the tollbooth.

Two of the young women, who were accompanying them, died immediately after the collision. The driver, for her part, was found with vital signs and was rushed to the General Rodríguez hospital. However, she lost her life after entering the place.
Sources in the case reported that the speedometer was stuck at 200 kilometers per hour, although it was not confirmed if this would be the speed at which they were traveling when the fatal accident occurred.

The Buenos Aires Police participated in the emergency operation along with Civil Defense, the Emergency Medical Care System (SAME) and a team of firefighters, in order to recover the bodies of the occupants who were trapped in the remains of the bodywork.

The investigation of the incident is in the hands of the Prosecutor's Office Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) No. 10 of General Rodríguez, headed by Dr. Gabriela Urrutia.

Fima 2023-10-31, 14:59
Aquaplaning? Nie, dziękuję.
OblesnyKnur 2023-10-31, 16:36
Moze w dal by wygraly, ale w zwyz nie pokonaly naszego skoczka samochodowego z Rabienia!
majeńka 2023-10-31, 17:07
Po makijażu zwłaszcza tej z prześwitującymi cyckami widać że to blachara, a takich ludzi nie żal. Każdy z tych kręgów społecznych który wygra Nagrodę Darwina nie zahaczywszy przy tym nikogo postronnego to duży plus dla ludzkości.