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TT4 • 2016-03-15, 20:04
Jakieś helikoptery popodstawiali? A tak serio to akcja sprzed 3 lat ale wideo dopiero teraz ujżało światło dzienne

Akcja miała miejsce w Kanadzie. Poniżej oryginalny opis:

Video released of helicopter jailbreak
Three years ago this week two men escaped from the St. Jerome detention centre.

Now the video recorded of their jailbreak is being made public.

It shows the helicopter just after it landed on a roof, and Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau and Dany Provencal already climbing up a rope dangling from the aircraft.

When the pair cannot climb any higher they tie loops in the rope and stick their feet through the holes.

The helicopter then takes off, ripping off a security camera in the process.

The six-minute video also shows that no guards made any attempt to stop the pair during their escape.

Their flight only lasted a few minutes, and the pair were dropped off in a nearby residential area where a car was waiting.

The kidnapped pilot was later found safe and sound, and all of the men were arrested in a matter of hours.

Earlier this year Hudon-Barbeau pleaded guilty to the escape, while the other escapee, Dany Provencal, pleaded guilty in November.

The man who planned the job, Bill Beaudoin, pleaded guilty in January.

Steven Mathieu Marchisio pleaded guilty last year and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

As brazen as this seems, a similar escape involving three drug traffickers took place just over a year later, in Orsainville outside of Quebec City.

In that case it took two weeks to find the inmates who were hiding out in a Montreal condo.

In both cases, the guards didn't shoot, because those inside the prison walls are not armed.

Read more at liveleak.com/view?i=bb0_1458065483iZoOs8CHbk1PuFiU.99
uho82 2016-03-15, 20:38 4
Grupa specjalna z Kanady? Skąd umysłowe niedoroby wzięli helikopter.
kameleon123 2016-03-15, 20:49
dobry pomysł
Presty 2016-03-15, 21:32 2

tomitomala4 - ujŻało?
TT4 2016-03-15, 21:36
Presty racja

coś ostatnio odpierdalam. jak nie ujżało to przed momentem poprostu, ja pierdole.
pkh 2016-03-15, 21:38
pfffff, nie takie spektakularne ucieczki sie robilo w gta.
donkapusta 2016-03-15, 22:05 1
Zahaczył o wszystko o co mógł. Ten gość chyba z tych co przynoszą nieszczęścia.
kokos_123 2016-03-15, 22:24
Sadol uczy, sadol bawi, do ucieczki z więzienia potrzeba przynajmniej drabiny sznurowej, żadnych linek z supłami.
hellbwoi 2016-03-16, 0:43 2
A, niech leci na główną Choć z tym pilotem może być różnie.
eMJay8086 2016-03-16, 9:12
Szkoda że strażnicy nie walili jak do kaczek.
noir 2016-03-16, 12:23 1
Gang olsena kurde bele hehe.
Polemon 2016-03-16, 13:26
Nie ma to jak szybka zorganizowana akcja, ten co sie spierdolił chyba miał nieśmiertelność odpaloną, a wystarczyło na linie porobić węzełki do samej góry, albo drabinkę sznurową sklecić jprdl.