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Bejker 2017-07-24, 23:16 8
dywan wyprany
Noside 2017-07-24, 23:18 15
Twardziel kurwa. Wrzątek się leje

ps. Dlatego właśnie "Polak hydraulik". Nawet taki ja wiem, że jest coś takiego, jak zawór.
Loaloa 2017-07-25, 0:45 42
A wystarczyło zamknąć drzwiczki od tej szafki.
Aikawa 2017-07-25, 3:52 3
Z takim samym ciśnieniem sram po ostrym kebsie
Alonso 2017-07-25, 10:20 10
A gdzie druga część filmu, czyli ruchanie lokatorki?
adrianjegerpl 2017-07-25, 13:06 1
A miał tylko uszczelkę wymienić ....
Wuzzah 2017-07-25, 16:22 1
Widać że to nie polak i dlatego zalało
nowy_Han_Solo 2017-07-25, 16:24 2
Kalarepa666 2017-07-25, 16:38 2
Wiesław Paleta real life
K................i 2017-07-25, 17:03 5
The woman with the steam vacuum is the tenant of this low income apartment with her two children. They reported a leaking bathroom sink to their landlord. The landlord, a Persian female, calls in a Mexican self-appointment plumber named Wilmer. Wilmer is the kind of cheap labor that cuts corners to try and save money.

It should come as no surprise, in this desperate part of town, that buildings are not up to code. This means, in order to shut the water off for this one apartment, the entire building's water would have to be shut down. The apartment complex requires a $150 fee to be paid every 30 minutes the water is turned off. The shut off valves and water heaters are behind locked doors and are only accessible by the complex staff. This is obviously a flawed system compared to the ideal of each apartment having separate shut off valves. The landlord is far too cheap to do anything about it.

Wilmer tried to please the cheap landlord by repairing the leak with the water still on, in an effort to save $150. He gets underneath the sink and unleashes a 90PSI torrent of steaming hot water (don't worry, the minion slippers are fine). All in all, two apartments were ruined, the tenants had to vacate the apartment for repair, and the landlord lost money.

All hiring and decisions were exclusively between the landlord and plumber. I recorded this video to document the damage, holding the landlord accountable for her mistake in hiring this person, as well as to capture the epic moment of failure.

I am not a tenant here, so I had no interest in getting myself blasted with water over this guys mistake. This video is a perfect example why someone should not attempt working with pressurized plumbing without shutting the water off and relieving the water pressure beforehand.
Stewie 2017-07-25, 17:14 1
Toć to najnowsza technologia prania dywanu nie wiem w czym problem
Joystick466 2017-07-25, 17:29 2
Jak ktoś mnie poprosił, abym mu taką lub inna naprawę wykonał, to mówiłem, żeby zakręcił wodę na pionie, ale co ja tam wiem, hydraulikiem nie jestem.
decode21 2017-07-25, 17:42 2
I się wyjaśniło dlaczego w Rzymie wody brakuje.
A................r 2017-07-25, 18:21 1
Lepiej przyżydzić pareset dolców, niż ryzykować straty na wiele tysięcy (jak czytałem gdzieś o tym, to było chyba na 20000$), typowe myślenie perskiego żydka właściciela, i janusza hydraulika
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