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Zaatakowani pracownicy trafili do szpitala a napastnik według źródła kiedyś tam pracował. Źródło.

ukryta treść
A man stabbed two employees at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City on Saturday, officials said. Police are still searching for the suspect, who was identified as a former member of the museum.

"This incident is still unfolding," Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller of the New York City Police Department said at a press conference Saturday evening. "We're at a very early stage in the investigation."

At around 4:15 p.m. local time, the man attempted to gain entrance to the museum by presenting his membership card, but was denied because his membership had expired due to two prior incidents involving disorderly conduct at the museum in recent days, Miller said.

The man then became upset and jumped over the museum's reception desk before stabbing two employees multiple times in the back, collar bone and the back of the neck.

The employees were transported to a local hospital within minutes of the attack, Miller said. They are both expected to be okay.

"This was a rapidly unfolding, spontaneous incident," Miller said.

The man involved in the incident is known to the NYPD. He was recorded on video leaving the museum following the stabbings, and authorities are still looking for him, according to Miller. He is described as a White male wearing a black jacket, a colorful shirt and a blue surgical mask.

Police released video of the incident on Sunday that appeared to show a man jump over the reception desk and stab employees as they attempted to escape. The NYPD said Sunday that it is searching for 60-year-old Gary Cabana in connection with the assault.

Videos published to social media by museum visitors showed crowds of people evacuating the museum.

Two employees stabbed at New York City's Museum of Modern Art, police say

By Tori B. Powell

Updated on: March 13, 2022 / 12:49 PM / CBS News

A man stabbed two employees at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City on Saturday, officials said. Police are still searching for the suspect, who was identified as a former member of the museum.

"This incident is still unfolding," Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller of the New York City Police Department said at a press conference Saturday evening. "We're at a very early stage in the investigation."
Two employees at New York City's Museum of Modern Art were stabbed on Saturday, March 12, 2022. Alyssa Katz/ THE CITY

At around 4:15 p.m. local time, the man attempted to gain entrance to the museum by presenting his membership card, but was denied because his membership had expired due to two prior incidents involving disorderly conduct at the museum in recent days, Miller said.

The man then became upset and jumped over the museum's reception desk before stabbing two employees multiple times in the back, collar bone and the back of the neck.

The employees were transported to a local hospital within minutes of the attack, Miller said. They are both expected to be okay.

"This was a rapidly unfolding, spontaneous incident," Miller said.

The man involved in the incident is known to the NYPD. He was recorded on video leaving the museum following the stabbings, and authorities are still looking for him, according to Miller. He is described as a White male wearing a black jacket, a colorful shirt and a blue surgical mask.

Police released video of the incident on Sunday that appeared to show a man jump over the reception desk and stab employees as they attempted to escape. The NYPD said Sunday that it is searching for 60-year-old Gary Cabana in connection with the assault.

Videos published to social media by museum visitors showed crowds of people evacuating the museum.

Mayor Eric Adams tweeted that he had been briefed on the situation, and thanked first responders for their "quick work."

"Please continue to avoid the area while Police continue their investigation and if you have any information, please contact the NYPD immediately," he wrote. "Public safety is our top priority. Today's incident is a reminder that this work affects every community."
Juzwa 2022-03-14, 20:29 1
Jesse.Pinkman napisał/a:

Zaatakowani pracownicy trafili do szpitala a napastnik według źródła kiedyś tam pracował.

A ten napastnik to pracował kiedyś w szpitalu czy w tym muzeum? Bo nie wiadomo za bardzo z tego twojego opisu.
s................l 2022-03-14, 21:14 15
Juzwa napisał/a:

A ten napastnik to pracował kiedyś w szpitalu czy w tym muzeum? Bo nie wiadomo za bardzo z tego twojego opisu.

Tak, pracował w szpitalu i wpadł zemścić się do muzeum. Wiesz co to kontekst, czy wyjebali cię ze szkoły w podstawówce?
pytolsky 2022-03-15, 11:18 2
Trzeba powiedzieć, że łysy murzyn zachował się w porządku
Angevil 2022-03-15, 13:23 1
Dlatego nigdy nie pal za sobą mostów wobec ludzi którzy odchodzą, bo nie wiesz nigdy z czym kiedyś wrócą
HariPota 2022-03-15, 13:25 1
Kurwa typ ma koordynację ruchową jak jakiś jebany ułomek
Krakus36 2022-03-15, 14:20 1
wystarczyła by jedna osoba z gnatem i obroniła by ich... ale po co komu broń tylko dla bandziorów reszta to zjeby jak baranki na rzeź
fabex 2022-03-15, 15:55 1
Skoro tu muzeum sztuki nowoczesnej to może to jakiś performance był...
Juzwa 2022-03-15, 16:39
satariel napisał/a:

Tak, pracował w szpitalu i wpadł zemścić się do muzeum. Wiesz co to kontekst, czy wyjebali cię ze szkoły w podstawówce?

Z podstawówki wyjebali ciebie i autora tego podpisu. Jak nie wiesz dlaczego, to rozpędź sią, a ściana czy słup jakiś ci wytłumaczy co i jak.
s................l 2022-03-15, 22:54 1
Juzwa napisał/a:

Z podstawówki wyjebali ciebie i autora tego podpisu. Jak nie wiesz dlaczego, to rozpędź sią, a ściana czy słup jakiś ci wytłumaczy co i jak.

Zabolała twoja głupota jak widać i tyle. Prawda boli. Naucz się też sam pisać i skończ w końcu wieczorówkę jakąś.