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Akcja z wczoraj z Brisbane. Źródło.

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A knife-wielding has been shot dead by police in a McDonald’s car park in front of horrified customers after holding a female worker hostage.

Queensland Police said the shirtless man arrived at Marsden Park Shopping Centre, south of Brisbane, on Friday afternoon and demanded workers open the cash registers.

However, when they refused the 32-year-old Kedron man threatened staff with a knife and held a female worker at knifepoint.
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Worries witnessed maded multiple calls to police, prompting officers to rush to the scene.

Confronting footage, filmed by onlookers, shows the shirtless man walking towards police as they surround him and yell “drop the knife”.

The shirtless man appears to yell back at police, “F**k off” and “I don’t even have a gun”.

He then moves towards the officers as they direct him to get on the ground.

The officers fired at least three times and the man fell to the ground.

Police continued to point their weapons at the man and directed him to drop the knife.

The man was rushed to Logan Hospital in a critical condition, where he later died.
masiur 2022-02-27, 0:06 2
OOO właśnie się zastanawiałem co tam słychać w Kanadzie, czy Australii, czy pozamykali już wszystkich krnąbrnych obywateli, bo przez ostatnie 3 dni temat jakby ucichł, nie wiadomo czemu