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Według źródła policjant wystrzelił 17 razy i 2 kulki trafiły napastnika. Źródło.

ukryta treść
NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) - New Orleans police released bodycam video Tuesday of an officer-involved shooting earlier this month.

According to NOPD, an armed robbery suspect, identified as Daniel Castillo, 32, was shot two times in the leg during a gunfire exchange with police on Tues., Feb. 8. His injuries were not considered life-threatening.

Castillo was shot around 8 p.m. in the 2500 block of St. Louis Street. Police said officers were canvassing the area searching for the man after reports of an armed robbery around the corner in the 400 block of North Dorgenois Street.

Police say Castillo held up two women at gunpoint in a church parking lot and stole one of the women’s purse with her cell phone in it.

Officer Levi Atkin located Castillo behind a row of bushes in a field at the Lafitte Greenway across the street. Castillo refused commands to show his hands and drop his firearm.

In a press conference Tuesday, Superintendent Shaun Ferguson said Castillo fired twice before Atkin shot back. Castillo’s gun reportedly jammed during the exchange of gunfire.

“If you look at this video, he is in an open field when this individual fired shots at him,” Ferguson said. “He has nowhere to take cover. The only thing he can do is return fire to save himself.”

Atkin fires 17 times, striking Castillo in the leg twice.

Atkin received a commendation from the department in 2020 for helping to quickly get NOPD officer Trevor Abney to University Medical Center for life-saving treatment after the fellow policeman had been shot in the face in the French Quarter on Oct. 31. Donnell Hassell was booked with attempted murder as the suspect accused of ambushing Abney and another officer from the back of a pedicab.

Court records show Hassell has been deemed mentally incompetent to stand trial. He is scheduled for another mental health competency hearing March 9.

Atkin remains on desk duty while the investigation continues.
Znawca_Cipek 2022-03-01, 22:00
2/17. Potrzeba snajpera na dzialalnosc? Chetnie pomoge, jezeli Polska tez ma takie problemy. PRIV.
nowynick 2022-03-02, 8:40
celność na poziomie ruskiego żołnierza...
ramadanio 2022-03-02, 13:44 1
Widać że w życiu strzelaliście co najwyżej z ucha u wychowawczyni...
Idzicie na strzelnice i sie sprawdzcie cfaniaki, pistolet samopowtarzalny to jedna z najtrudniejszych broni do celnego strzelania.
John-Flopp 2022-03-02, 19:31 3
Znawca_Cipek napisał/a:

2/17. Potrzeba snajpera na dzialalnosc? Chetnie pomoge, jezeli Polska tez ma takie problemy. PRIV.

Po pierwsze cel leżał na ziemi więc zmniejsza swoją powierzchnię
Po drugie miał kawałek do oponenta, to nie Hollywood gdzie z 9mm strzelasz celnie z 20-30m
Po trzecie no kurwa podejrzany otworzył do niego ogień, widoczność chujowa... Też na jego miejscu bym się chyba zesrał z 3 razy ze strachu i jebał na oślep pierwsze kule..
Jurek1982 2022-03-02, 22:49
Ale zezol! Ło kurwa!