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ukryta treść
Orlando, Florida — On Saturday, September 23, 2023, around 9:00 p.m. Orange County Sheriff’s Deputies first responded to the 5500 block of Suncreek Court following a 911 call about a man firing a gun in the backyard of a home. Deputies could not make contact with him at that time. At 12:47 a.m. Sunday, September 24, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office received more 911 calls advising the man was in the street pointing a gun at a passing motorist, who was later determined to be his roommate. Deputies tried for 40 minutes to negotiate with the man, later identified as Jorge Ramirez-Rivera, to get him to surrender peacefully. But the suspect refused. Deputies approached the suspect in the backyard and tried to subdue him using a taser and non-lethal bean bag rounds. At the same time, Ramirez-Rivera pulled a gun from his waistband and pointed it at his head before firing three shots at deputies. Deputies returned fire. The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.
flejtuch 2023-10-09, 21:40 1
Ewidentnie za mało kulek dostał
Pedator 2023-10-10, 7:14
flejtuch napisał/a:

Ewidentnie za mało kulek dostał

Kryzys. Komendant kazał im oszczędzać.
metyoo 2023-10-10, 9:14
flejtuch napisał/a:

Ewidentnie za mało kulek dostał

był biały, więcej nie trzeba, na czarnego potrzeba 5 magazynków pewności