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dlatego restauracja została zburzona osobiście przez Ministra Turystyki
przy pomocy Koparki
The National Construction Inspectorate demolished on Wednesday the Bar-Restaurant in the resort area of Porto-Palermo in Vlora following the owner's incident (Mihal Kokëdhima) with the Spanish millionaire Eugenio Galdon and members of his family and his Albanian companions.
The Construction Inspectorate said the facility was unlicensed while the State Cadastre authorities confirmed that the building had been disqualified a few days before from the legalization process. The demolition of the building following the incident with tourists has raised questions about state authorities' earlier inaction on this illegal construction.
The National Territory Protection Inspectorate began demolishing Wednesday morning the Bar-Restaurant "Panorama" in the resort area of Porto-Palermo, in Vlora. Through an official statement, the Inspectorate said that "about 2,000 square meters, built in one of the most beautiful coastal areas of Albania, results to be illegal, while the venture used also the beach".
To nie jest koparka. Ach te dzisiejsze pedospołeczeństwo… za niedługo facet już nawet koła w aucie nie będzie potrafił zmienić albo i płynu do spryskiwacza nalać...
To nie jest koparka. Ach te dzisiejsze pedospołeczeństwo… za niedługo facet już nawet koła w aucie nie będzie potrafił zmienić albo i płynu do spryskiwacza nalać...
The Construction Inspectorate said the facility was unlicensed while the State Cadastre authorities confirmed that the building had been disqualified a few days before from the legalization process.
Własność prywatna jeśli niezadłużona to jest nietykalna, choroba psychiczna właściciela to zupełnie inna para kaloszy. Komuna w chuj, tam wyżej kolega ma rację.